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Lily (Christina Hendricks), Jude (Rachel Hunter) and Shelly (Leisha Hailey)
are best friends and neighbors. As each of them prepares dinner, they
confront life, love and the art of cooking. Lily is a vibrant
30-year-old who has recently begun dating an older man (Joaquim De Almeida).
As she attempts to make him a simple salad, they evaluate their complex
views of the future. Jude is an excellent cook who is as dedicated to
her girlfriend as she is to her bruschetta. Shelly is pregnant and
emotional, and when her husband refuses to eat her lasagna, she begins
to question their relationship. As the women sort out their individual
issues, together they do their best to find a recipe for happiness.
My Thoughts:
If you follow my post, you know that many Friday Night Date Nights are spent at home, snuggling on the couch with my husband, watching movies, after we finally get the girls to bed. With two children under the age of 2 at home, it is hard to get a babysitter to watch them, let alone have the desire and energy after a long, busy day with them, to want to go out. So, we look forward to these movie nights and love stumbling across new and old movies, including those we missed in theaters. So, when I was sent Something's Cooking to review for as part of Echo Bridge Entertainment's May releases, I was excited to watch this movie, as both my husband and I had never seen it. When Friday rolled around last week, this was the movie we chose to watch, as we had a late night snack of pizza.
This film centers around cooking and relationships. We watch 3 couples relationship unfold and get examined by each other and their friends, as a meal is prepared in two separate kitchens. This movie is easy to follow, and really makes you feel like you know these characters and can relate to the true-to-life subject matter discussed. My husband and I both looked at each other when one of the characters decided to order a pizza. We laughed as we snacked on slices of pizza, instead of enjoying a home-cooked film, which is usually made and eaten during our Friday night movie nights. I found myself rooting for each couple, who were in different stages of their relationships, hoping they would each make it and live happily ever after. But, it was also nice to see that all couples have problems and hit bumps in the road along the way, wondering what direction each other is taking, and how their partner factors into this path. You don't have to be woman to enjoy this film, as it is not a chick flick per sa. My husband enjoyed the film, especially the bickering between the ladies. If you love independent/indie-type films, you will love this movie.
Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this DVD from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. The views above are mine and mine alone.
Thanks for the review. Not sure if this dvd would be for me, but if I need something i'll be sure to rent this!