Closed. Congrats to Peggy L.

Are you a Post Honey Bunches of Oats fan? My family loves this cereal for breakfast. Well, I love to grab handfuls and snack on, or fill a baggie full of this cereal for an on-the-go snack. So, when I was sent a box of their new Honey Roasted cereal to try out, you can only imagine how excited my family was. Do you have breakfast for dinner nights? Well, we do on occasion, when I am either pressed for time, or when I have a craving for french toast. But, the other day when I received this box of cereal in the mail to try, we had cereal night. You are probably thinking to yourself, that is crazy. If you have the chance to try this new cereal, you will think otherwise. Boy, was it tasty. Like I said, I usually only eat this cereal as a snack. But, I wanted to see how this flavor from Post would taste with milk. I am so happy that I had a bowl (well, my husband and I both had a second serving). Even, Savannah got in on the breakfast for dinner idea and had her first bowl of cereal, where she fed herself with her training spoons. Not only was it a first for cereal at dinner, but my husband and I loved watching Savannah eat cereal on her own for the first time.
More about Honey Bunches of Oats -- Honey Roasted Cereal:
- Four nutritious grains—rice, wheat, oats, and corn
- Heart Healthy (0g trans fat, 0g saturated fat, 0mg cholesterol per serving)
- 10g of whole grain per serving
- Same calories per serving as Special K Original*
Nutritionists recommend eating 3 or more servings of whole-grain foods
per day. (About 16g whole grain per serving or at least 48g per day.)
per day. (About 16g whole grain per serving or at least 48g per day.)
Since sampling this box of cereal, I have picked up their two new Fruit Blends cereals, and have to say that these are also tasty. I loved how they incorporated fruit flavored flakes and bunches with their famous oats for a delicious breakfast cereal. I have gone from snacking on this cereal as a treat, to having breakfast with Savannah each morning, thanks to this recent review opportunity.
Want to learn more about Honey Bunches of Oats? Then, head on over to their Facebook Fan Page for news and promotions.
---BUY NOW---
You can purchase this and other Honey Bunches of Oats cereals at your local grocery store, in the cereal aisle.
The first person to email me and list out all the flavors of Post Honey Bunches of Oats cereal will win 2 free coupons for this cereal (flavors of their choice). Act fast, as this is a flash giveaway and contest will end, when I receive the first comment email. Thanks, and good luck!
Note: This giveaway is only open to US residents, no PO Boxes. If you have already won a giveaway from my blog within the past 6 months, you are ineligible for this contest.
Disclosure: Post provided a free sample of their Honey Bunches of Oats - Honey Roasted, so that I could review them. However, all the of the opinions above are mine and mine alone.
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