Harnessing the creative power of augmented reality
technology, there is a new line of 3D learning products for kids ages 3
and up. Grouped by subject matter, the first series of Cypher’s Live 3D Interactive Cards will be available in July and will cover the
basic building blocks of learning, to include Colors & Shapes,
Letters, and Numbers, as well as popular categories like Wild Animals
and Things That Go!
Each card comes with its own 3D marker that when held up to a web cam, initiates an interactive animation sequence that can be seen in 3D. For example, in the Wild Animals pack, AR technology
lets lions roar as they stalk across the savannah and polar bears hunt
seals from the ice pack – all in the palm of your child’s hand. Each
pack contains 18-26 different cards that are filled with informative
facts, cool sounds and special commands that let kids control their new
3D world!
My Thoughts:
After reading a press release about Cypher's Live 3D Interactive Cards,
I couldn't wait to get my hands on a sample to try out with Savannah. I
was sent Cypher's Live 3D Wild Animals interactive cards set last week,
and have been having a blast bringing the wild animals on the cards to
life. At first, it took a little getting used it, as you have to
position the interactive cards just right, in order for them to be read
right. But, after we got the hang of it, my husband and I found
ourselves glued to the computer, as we learned about some amazing wild
though the animals don't jump out of the screen like the You Tube video
shows, the 3D effect of these animals coming to life is incredible. It
is amazing what new and innovative products are available for children.
Although Savannah and her little sister are too young to play with the Cypher's Live 3D interactive cards by themselves it, I know in time they
will enjoy them. We had a great time spending quality time together as
a family, and learning about the wild animals from Cypher's Live 3D. I
can't wait to pick up a few more of these interactive card packs for
the girls, and to give as gifts this year.
If you love offering your children fun and unique ways of learning about wild animals,
colors and shapes and numbers and letters, then you need to check out
Cypher's Live 3d interactive cards, when they become available this
July. You will find yourself pulling up a seat alongside your
child(ren), as they interact with the cards through the web cam.
Want to Try It Out FREE?
Click here to sign up for a FREE 3D card to use with your PC web cam, and see what is in store for your family with the new Cypher's Live 3D Interactive Cards.
---BUY NOW---
Cypher’s Live 3D Interactive Cards will be available at select retail
outlets in July, for a suggested retail price of $19.99 per pack of
18-26 cards. There will also be an iPad app version launching this summer.
About Cypher Entertainment:
Headquartered in New York City, Cypher Entertainment is a pioneering
technology company whose interactive applications are revolutionizing
the entertainment industry. The company’s initial products incorporate
augmented reality technology to create new and entertaining learning
experiences for children. More information can be found online at
Disclosure: I was sent a sample from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. The views above are mine and mine alone.
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