
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Over the Moon Milk (Review and Giveaway)

Whether you are looking for extra calcium and vitamin D to help support your bone health or 11 grams of satisfying protein, Over the Moon provides a joyous start to your day.  And it helps keep you matter what the day brings.

My Thoughts:

Now that we have switched Savannah over to our milk, I always make a point to pick up tried and true brands of milk, so that I know she is getting the most of the calcium and vitamin D, found in milk.  This is one grocery item I don't skimp on, as I realized back in college that the cheaper milks were watered down, didn't taste like milk, and/or didn't last up to their expiration date. And, with a young child whose body is still developing and needs all the proper nutrients, I want to make sure she is getting what she needs when it comes to consuming milk products.  

Since moving to CT in 2007, I began buying Over the Moon's 1% low fat and their fat free milk for my family.  My husband and I use the fat free milk in our coffee and cereals, while my parents enjoy a cold glass of low fat milk after dinner or with a snack, when they are done visiting.  Because of this, I make sure to have both on hand for all to enjoy.  And, with Savannah now drinking milk, I find myself going through 2-3 gallon bottle of Over the Moon's low fat milk, on a weekly basis.  

So, when I was recently given the opportunity to review Over the Moon milk and share my thoughts with you, I didn't hesitate, as I already a fan of their milk.  Surprising though, I hadn't sampled their chocolate milk -- that was, until this review opportunity. Growing up , I was a huge chocolate and strawberry milk fan, but as I got older, I found it harder to find a brand that carried these flavors milks, and was not full of unnecessary sugars.  Because of these past experiences, I didn't know what to expect with the chocolate milk from Over the Moon.  

I made sure the milk was chilled prior to drinking, and when I took my first sip, I was amazed at how rich and creamy this chocolate flavored milk was.  You could actually take the milk chocolate, and not just sugar.  Don't tell my husband, but I drank the entire half gallon (with the help of Savannah - well, she had an 8 oz glass) in under 3 hours.  I couldn't get over how good this flavored milk tasted, and found myself heading back to the refrigerator to pour myself another glass, until it was gone. 

Since this initial sampling, I have continued to pick up the 1/2 gallon chocolate milk cartons from Over the Moon, and pour myself a glass as a treat, or when I want to unwind after a busy day with the girls.  If you are lucky enough to live in a state that sells Over the Moon, and you haven't tried this brand of milk yet, what are you waiting for?  You will be pleasantly surprised when you try a cold glass of this rich and creamy milk, and will see why I have switched and haven't looked back, when it comes to providing only the best milk for them.


Over the Moon products are only available in select states including Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia and Washington.  And, if you live in an area where Over the Moon products are sold, make sure you head on over to their Facebook Fan Page and print off the $1 off coupon they are offering, which is valid until 6/30/2012, before heading to the market.


Sipper Cup 190x300 Over the Moon Milk Giveaway
Three (3) lucky readers will win an Over the Moon sipper cup (shown above), thanks to the vendor.  To enter, please complete the entries on the Rafflecopter form below.  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure:  I was given the opportunity to sample Over the Moon products thanks to the vendor, in order to write up an honest review.  The views are mine and mine alone.

1 comment:

  1. I like Over The Moon on FB - Janet Fri and I left a comment on their wall:

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
