
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Now Available on DVD, On Demand and Digital Download -- Space Dogs, From Phase 4 Films (Review)


The exciting, animated tale based on the true story of Belka and Strelka; two Russian dogs sent to space in 1960. A circus dog and a stray dog embark on an out-of-this-world adventure to become the world's most famous canine cosmonauts!    

My Thoughts:

People are not the only ones who have visited outer space.  Did you know that two Russian dogs were sent into space in 1960?  I didn't, until I saw Space Dogs, which is an beautifully animated family film, which is based on Belka and Strelka, who were "recruited" by the Russian space agency and sent into space.  My family loved watching the space training, in which the circus dog and stray were put the riggers, in order to prepare them for their journey into space.  This film is only 88 minutes in length, which is great for young children, who have short attention spans.  Usually once a film hits 60 minutes, my daughter is already up and wandering around.  But, I was surprised that she sat through this animated film.  She kept laughing as the dogs completed doggy space boot camp, and cheered when they were sent into space.  

Since first watching this film at Easter, we have watched it a few more times, as Savannah can't get enough of these lovable and adventurous dogs.  If you are looking for a fun, animated film to watch with your children, why not consider picking up a copy of this film?  And, don't forget to download the activity kit that is included in the bonus section of this DVD, which will keep your children busy on rainy days, or long rides.  So, what are waiting for?  Pick up a copy of Space Dogs and learn about the two Russian dogs who were sent into space.  I guarantee your family with enjoy it.  Both my husband and I enjoyed the animated tale, just as much as Savannah did!

---BUY NOW---

Click here to order a copy of Space Dogs from Amazon for only $19.99.

Disclosure:  I was sent a copy of this DVD from Phase 4 Films in order to write up an honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.                       

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