
Monday, April 16, 2012

Food Fights: Winning the Nutritional Challenges of Parenthood Armed With Insight, Humor, and a Bottle of Ketchup by Laura A. Jana, MD, FAAP and Jennifer Shu, MD, FAAP (Review and Giveaway)

Closed.  Congrats to Kelly D.

  • Paperback: 345 pages
  • Publisher: American Academy Of Pediatrics; Second edition edition (February 7, 2012)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1581105851
  • ISBN-13: 978-1581105858 
  • Click here to buy now for only $14.95.


Knowing what to feed children is one thing.  Getting them to eat it is quite another!

In Food Fights, 2nd edition, the authors tastefully blend the science of nutrition and pediatrics with the practical insights of parents who have been in your shoes―offering simple solutions for your daily nutritional challenges. Whether you’ve got an infant, toddler, or young child, Food Fights promises entertaining, reality-based advice on:

▪ How to pick your battles (and arm yourself accordingly)
▪ Whining and dining, throwing food, and other dietary distractions
▪ Heaping helpings, TV dinners, fast food, and other nutritional minefields
▪ Eating out, grocery shopping, and travel
▪ The 5-second rule
▪ Drinking and dozing, juice, soda pop, and other classic drinking problems
▪ Sick kids, vitamins, body weight, allergies, constipation, spitting up…and so much more!

This revised second edition also includes new chapters on healthy breakfasts, what’s lacking in snacking, and supermarket sanity, and serves up important guidance on making sense of package labels and choosing foods wisely. Add the cornucopia of resources such as recipes for success, a nutrient primer, and phone apps that help families stay on a tech-savvy track to good nutrition and this new and improved edition of Food Fights is guaranteed to leave you satisfied.

 My Thoughts:

Where was this book when we had Savannah back in 2010?  I can't believe how much I learned just by reading this book.  And, now with Arabella, we are trying to do things differently, in hopes that we will not be dealing with similar habits we are working so hard on breaking with Savannah.

I love how this books covers all the nutritional challenges a parent or caregiver may face raising children.  The authors talk to you, instead of down at you, so as a reader, who is scratching their head and thinking to themselves "why didn't I think of this?" or "this is why my child is fussy," you are eager to read on and see how to correct these problems.  One of the main habits we are trying to work with Savannah on breaking is that she still wakes in the night, and needs a bottle to go back to bed.  Since welcoming Arabella back in November, Savannah has been waking up when she hears her little sister, and being tired parents, we have found it hard to try to break this habit, while tending to a colicky baby.    Many family and friends have told us to switch out her milk in the night for water, but that doesn't seem to work.  No one ever told us that you shouldn't put a baby to sleep with a bottle, as this is habit they will pick up and keep.  We have learned this the hard way, and are hoping that Arabella will not pick this up, now that we know this.  It was comforting to read about this, and see that others have dealt with the same habit.  Who knew that if you continue to give your child a bottle of milk at bedtime until the age of 2, you increase their risk of obesity at 5 1/2 years by 30%.  "If your child is getting about 3 meals a day of solid foods, it's your cue to remove the bedtime bottle if you haven't done so already."

Even though it is hard to try and break this "drinking and dozing" habit with Savannah, I have taken what I have read and begun applying to our bedtime ritual, "Bathing, Brushing, Books and Bedtime."  We have been following this regime for the past couple of weeks, and have found that Savannah is taking to it, and on most days, forgets about needing a bottle.  By the time the final book is read, she is relaxed from her bath and ready to doze off to sleep.  Time with tell if this 4 B's regime will help break the bottle in the night habit.

Now, when a nutritional challenge crops up, the first book I will be grabbing for is Food Fights.  I wish you could see my book, as it is all marked up with highlights, and I have pages tabbed, as this book is jam packed with useful and easy to follow approaches to help you raise healthy and nutritional conscious children.


Want to win a copy of this book for yourself, or to give to a new or expectant mom?  One lucky reader will win a copy of this book, thanks to the authors.  To enter, please complete the MANDATORY ENTRY first, and then as many EXTRA ENTRIES as you like.  Make sure you include your email address with each comment, so that I can contact you if you win.  Good luck!


Leave a comment below with a tip that has worked for you, to help with your picky eater.


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3) Vote for Inspired by Savannah on Startup Nations 2012 Leading Moms Competition --You can vote one time per day (2 entries)

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Enter to #win Food Fights by Laura Jana, MD, and Jennifer Shu, MD @rmccoy1234 #giveaway (Ends 4/30)

8) Vote for me on picket fence blogs (See button on right side of blog -- One entry per vote, per day; Note: You can only your one vote per day on ONE giveaway; duplicate comments on other giveaways on the same day with be void)

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Open to US residents only -- NO PO BOXES. Giveaway ends on April 30, 2012 at 11:59PM EST. I will then use to choose a winner. Winner will have 48 hrs. to respond to my email to claim prize. If I don't hear back from selected winner, I will draw another winner.

About the Authors:


Laura A. Jana, MD, FAAP is a pediatrician, author, and national health communicator. Having co-founded The Dr. Spock Company in 1999, Dr. Jana has been actively involved in national parenting media for over a decade and is the co-author of Heading Home with Your Newborn (AAP) and Food Fights (AAP). She now lives with her husband and 3 children in Omaha, Nebraska where she also owns and operates an educational child care center called Primrose School of Legacy.
Dr. Jana  is a member of the AAP's Executive Committee for Early Education and Child Care, part of Dr. Nancy Snyderman's BeWell/LLuminari Expert Network, an early literacy advocate for Reach Out and Read and co-founder of Amazing Me Books, a certified child passenger safety technician, and a consultant to several corporate, academic, and government organizations on a broad range of topics related to the health and well-being of children.  She is also on the Advisory Board for American Baby magazine and the Walt Disney Internet Group, has appeared nationally on shows including NPR's The Parent's Journal, the Today show, CNN's Nancy Grace, ABC News, and Fox, and is well recognized as Omaha's parenting expert for her local NBC affiliate.

Jennifer Shu, MD, FAAP is a pediatrician, author and mother in Atlanta. As the medical editor for, she serves as an expert on parenting issues and provides oversight and direction for site in conjunction with the Managing Editor and staff.
An enthusiastic and experienced writer and public speaker, Dr. Shu is frequently featured as a medical expert in numerous national and local television and radio shows, Internet articles, parenting magazines, newspapers and medical publications. Dr. Shu is editor-in-chief of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Baby & Child Health and co-author of the award-winning books Heading Home with Your Newborn and Food Fights, both published by the AAP.  
Dr. Shu received her bachelor’s degree at the University of Virginia and her medical degree from the Medical College of Virginia. Dr. Shu completed her pediatric training and chief residency at the University of California in San Francisco. She has worked in the private practice setting as well as in academics, as a former director of the normal newborn nursery at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. Dr. Shu has been a leader within the medical profession as a past national chairperson of the young physicians sections for both the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Disclosure:  I was sent a copy of this book by the publisher in order to write up an honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.

1 comment:

  1. I try to include my daughter with all food preparation!
