
Friday, April 6, 2012

Feature Friday -- Balance the Mother Load by ( Book Review and Giveaway)

This past week, I spotlighted Carly Cooper, a life coach for moms, as well as author of Balance the Mother Load: REINVENT Your Life In Just 8 Weeks!.  If you missed my interview with Carly, please click here to read it now.  Today, I wanted to share my thoughts on her book, Balance the Mother Load: REINVENT Your Life In Just 8 Weeks!, as I had the opportunity to read it.

You Need This Book If...

  • You consider yourself lucky when you have time to shave both legs.

  • Your kids think it’s odd when you spend more than a few hours with them.

  • You think running out the door counts as exercise.

  • You’re having a more intimate relationship with your smart phone than your spouse.

  • You think putting on clean clothes is dressing up.

  • You look forward to your annual pap just to have some “me” time.

So many moms neglect themselves and their well-being because they think it’s the only way to take care of their family. After all, isn’t that what a “good mom” does?
Carly Cooper, a certified life coach for moms, shares her unique R.E.I.N.V.E.N.T. System™ that she created to help busy, stressed-out moms shift this backward perception and get back in touch with who they really are. Using practical advice, tips, strategies, and hands-on exercises, you are shown exactly how to become the best woman and mom you can be by learning to have more freedom, more sanity, and more time to enjoy it all.
Click here to request FREE Chapters from Carly's new book, as well as sign up for her ezine.   

My Thoughts:
Because I have limited time to read (and blog!), I loved how I was able to break down sections in Carly's book in tackle them one by one.  Each section offers questions to get your thinking about yourself and how you want to make improvements, as well as exercises and a weekly check-in session, to help keep you on track.  At first, I found it difficult, like many moms, to pencil out time just for me, so that I could read and work on Carly's exercises.  I began reading a section every Monday, but then found something would come up, and I would bump it to the next day.  That was, until I sat down with my husband and told him how important it was to read and do this for me.  My favorite part of the book was creating my vision board.  As I am writing this review, I am looking at it above my desk.  This board really puts into perspective my dreams and what I need to do to achieve them.

I am almost finished with all 8 weeks, and have found myself highlighting sections and revisiting them for useful tips to apply to my daily routine.  My favorite sections/weeks so far have been "Nurture Yourself" and "Improve Your Relationship."  As a new mom (less than 16 months apart), there has been a strain on my relationship with my husband, as we learned to not only juggle being new parents, but new parents to two children.  Through Carly's book, I was able to complete exercises with my husband and by myself, in order to gain a better idea on issues that need to be addressed, and how to improve our relationship.

Like I said, I am still working through the 8 week plan, and have found this book to be very beneficial.  I can't wait to get to the "Time Management Tune Up" section.  Before children, I thought of myself as a perfectionist and needed to have everything organized.  Time management was one of my strong points.  But, since children, that has gone out the window, as my schedule seems to revolve around their schedules (as we are still working on sleep schedules), etc.  But, through this book and its exercises and tips, I am beginning to feel more focused and hope that my time management skills will improve.  Stay tuned!


Click here to order a copy of book, Balance the Mother Load: REINVENT Your Life In Just 8 Weeks!, for only $12.99.


One lucky reader will win an autographed copy of Balance the Mother Load: REINVENT Your Life In Just 8 Weeks!, thanks to .  To enter, please complete the Rafflecopter form below.  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure:  I was sent a copy of the book by the author in order to write up an honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.

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