
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Win a copy of High-Risk Pregnancy- Why Me? Understanding and Managing a Potential Preterm Pregnancy by Kelly Whitehead

Closed.  Congrats to: Kitty H.


Back on March 6th, I shared a guest post with you on the topic of high-risk pregnancies and how to cope.  Click here if you missed the post by Kelly Whitehead, author of High-Risk Pregnancy- Why Me? Understanding and Managing a Potential Preterm Pregnancy. Today, I wanted to give you a chance to win a copy of her book for yourselves, or to share with someone who is currently going through a high-risk pregnancy. 

Because of my previous cancer diagnosis and treatment, both of my pregnancies were considered high risk, and I had to have additional tests, and was monitored more frequently by both my OB doctor, as well as a high risk OB doctor.  With any pregnancy, expectant moms have to be aware of their body chances and conditions like gestational diabetes, dehydration and positive Strep B diagnosis on themselves and their unborn child.  And, for these reasons, many books have been written to help expectant mom who are considered high risk, cope with their pregnancies. 

I wish I had known about this book when I was pregnant with my girls, as it would have eased some of the uncertainties and fears I had.   One of the biggest concerns I had was when the doctors told me to limit the frequency and duration of picking up Savannah, while I was pregnant with her little sister.  How can you tell a mother of a toddler this?  Savannah was just learning how to walk, and was getting into everything.  I spent half my pregnancy in the hospital for being dehydrated, and the other half chasing around and keeping an eye on Savannah.  So much for resting and prepping for the new baby.  I looked at having them so close together as a blessing, not only because they would be able to bond and play today, but also because I was used to being up throughout the night for feedings.  While many parents dread this in the early months of birth, I didn't have to worry, as we were still getting up in the night for Savannah.  But, when Arabella finally arrived, boy was our world's turned upside down.  Now, four months later, we still get up for the 2 of them, but we are slowly getting a grip on family life with two children under the age of 2.  It is hard to believe all the fears and frustrations I felt during my "high risk pregnancy," now that Arabella is here. 

Are you pregnant or know someone who is?  Do you know the risk factors to look for, that would categorize you as high-risk?  If not, you really need to pick up a copy of this book and read it.  It will help ease your mind during this special time in your life.  Don't get hung up on worrying -- instead, take care of yourself and know what to look for, all while preparing for your new bundle of joy!

---BUY NOW---

Click here to order a copy, High-Risk Pregnancy- Why Me? Understanding and Managing a Potential Preterm Pregnancy  by Kelly Whitehead, for yourself, or to give to a family member or friend.  And, make sure you use coupon code "blog" at checkout to save $5.00 off this book. 


One lucky reader will win a copy of High-Risk Pregnancy- Why Me? Understanding and Managing a Potential Preterm Pregnancy by Kelly Whitehead, thanks to the author.  To enter, please complete the MANDATORY ENTRY first, and then as many EXTRA ENTRIES as you like.  Make sure to include your email address with each comment, so that I can contact you if you win.  Good luck!

Tell me why you want to win this book.  Would it be for you or someone you know?
(Please leave separate entries for each, along with your email address)

1) Subscribe to my blog via email (1 entry)

2) Follow me on Facebook (1 entry)

3) Vote for Inspired by Savannah on Startup Nations 2012 Leading Moms Competition --You can vote one time per day (2 entries) 

4) Enter any of my other giveaways, leaving a comment with the name of the giveaway (1entry per giveaway entered)

5) Blog about this giveaway. It must include a link to this specific post, as well as a link to my blog, (In your comment, please leave a link directly to your post – 3 Entries)

6) Follow me on Twitter (1entry)

7) Tweet about this giveaway (1 entry per tweet, per day; please include link to tweet in comment below)
#win High-Risk Pregnancy- Why Me? Understanding and Managing a Potential Preterm Pregnancy by Kelly Whitehead @rmccoy1234 #giveaway (Ends 3/27)

8) Vote for me on picket fence blogs (See button on right side of blog -- One entry per vote, per day; Note:  You can only your one vote per day on ONE giveaway; duplicate comments on other giveaways on the same day with be void)

9) Add to a Giveaway Linky site  (5 entries)

Open to US residents only. Giveaway ends on March 27, 2012 at 11:59PM EST. I will then use to choose a winner. Winner will have 48 hrs. to respond to my email to claim prize. If I don't hear back from selected winner, I will draw another winner.
Disclosure:  I was not compensated in any way for this post.  The views above are mine and mine alone.


  1. I'd like to win this for my sister. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

  2. email subscriber cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

  3. I like you on facebook. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

  4. I entered the Sukey Molloy giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

  5. I entered the Gruffalo giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

  6. This would be for my granddaughter, who is having a rough pregnancy
    Kitty H.

  7. I entered the Dave Ramsey giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

  8. I entered the Chick fil A giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

  9. I entered the Village Harvest giveaway. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
