
Monday, March 19, 2012

Spotlight on Mom -- Barb Lindbergh of quipsquotesnpics, llc

I stumbled upon this week's Spotlight Mom on LinkedIn, and after hearing about her business and story, I couldn't wait to share it with you.What I love most about Barb's story is that she decided to start her business during her so-called "golden years" when most people are retiring or just looking to relax, now that the children are grown and on their own.  Barb said, " My daughter is an adult and on her own and my husband is retired so I do not have to balance work with family. But I am not ready to retire. I have chosen to start my own business rather than bemoan age discrimination in the work place. I figure if Colonel Sanders and other seniors can start successful businesses, there is nothing to hold me back. It hasn't been easy, but I'm sticking to it."  I love Barb's attitude, and ability to turn a hobby into a business.  Like many mom entrepreneurs (with young or older children), many product ideas start as hobbies, and then transition into a business, as they continually receive positive feedback from friends and family, who wonder why you are selling your product or idea to the masses.  

I am loving Barb's graphic tees and know you will, too.  Make sure you check out her website after you read my interview with her.  I hope through her interview and back story on her business, that if you are on the fence about starting a business or turning a hobby into a lucrative business, you find inspiration and a drive, thanks to Barb.  If she can do, why can't you?

Name: Barb Lindbergh
Company:  quipsquotesnpics, llc
Location:   Warrenton, MO – but offer commodities online only
Facebook URL:
Twitter:  @quipsquotesnpic
Age of Company: Started as a hobby in 2009; officially started in 2010
Favorite Inspirational Quotes:  “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”;  
Favorite Books:  “Start Something That Matters” by Blake Mycoskie, all of Jeffrey Gitomer’s books, and the Bible

Tell us a little bit about yourself.  How many children do you have?  What are their ages? Your hobbies? Etc.

I have been happily married for 30 years and have one daughter who is an air traffic controller. I love to sing, dance, garden, and design.  I also belong to several meetups on business and most recently was named area coordinator for the
Briefly explain your business.  How did it come about?

Initially I was doing graphic designs and posting them for sale on as a hobby until I lost my job due to company downsizing.  I am a senior citizen and found that age discrimination is alive and well in the business world.  Rather than sit around and collect unemployment and complain, I decided to turn my hobby into a business.  I have since expanded my market by teaming with as well since they offer a much broader commodity base than just t-shirts.  I also do designs on consignment for a small fee.
What is a typical work day like?

A typical work day starts around 8 am catching up on entries on e-mail, facebook, twitter, and linkedin and sending responses as requested.  I also check on google analytics to see what traffic to my site has been.  Break for lunch at noon.  The afternoon is spent posting ads at several sites locally, creating and posting new designs, phone meetings with my marketing specialist and answering any phone requests.  I usually end my work day between 5-6 pm.

What has been a struggle while starting up your company?  

Since I was now working from home, my initial struggle was having my family respect the fact that when I was in my office I was working and shouldn’t be interrupted.  I was too available.  It took a while but they have been very supportive and wait till my breaks to attend to family business…emergencies excepted.  

Disciplining myself to keep to a regular schedule has been a more recent struggle.
What did you do in your past work life?

I have taught, been an administrative assistant in a computer company, and an assistant manager in a retail women’s clothing store
What have been some of your major successes?

Major successes in life in general would be my marriage and my daughter.  My business has received some recognition for some of my designs, but nothing major yet.
What have been some of your major challenges?

Financing my business and, since I do not have a brick and mortar shop, getting found on the internet
On those impossible days, what motivates you to keep going?

I remind myself that I love what I do and I take the time to re-read passages from my favorite books which always revive me
What is your balancing secret in managing a business and family?

I don’t have some of the challenges that younger women do since my daughter is grown. However, my husband is recently retired and I do need to make time for him.  So we make sure we eat our meals together, I quit on time so we spend evenings together.  I take an hour for lunch so we can catch up on anything that needs to be addressed.  We do fun things together on weekends.
What is next for your business?

My goal for this year is to network more and increase my contacts in social media to receive support and to offer support in business

Do you have any advice for other mom entrepreneurs that are starting out and struggling, or are on the fence about starting a business?

Make sure you have the support of your family before beginning your endeavor.  Be sure that you have a love and a passion for your business.  Surround yourself with people who are also entrepreneurs (online if need be)  Read encouraging books; attend meetups that share business ideas and information.


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