
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Have You Heard About the Clorox Lounge and The Last Comic Sitting Contest? Read on to Learn How You Could Win $10,000 -- And, Don't Forget to Share Your Child's Funniest Bathroom Moments With Me

I partnered again with SocialMoms in an effort to help spread the word about the launch of the Clorox Lounge and their Last Comic Sitting Competition and Sweepstakes.  As part of their campaign, they asked me what the funniest thing my child has ever done in the bathroom.  I laughed when I read this as, I had two recent experiences which stood out.  The first, which happened when we were using a public restroom at a restaurant, occurred just the other day.  We had gone out to eat, and I ended up having to take Savannah to the restroom to change her diaper.  If you have read my previous posts, then you know that we have been working on potty training her.  As part of training, we taught her to fan or pinch her nose and say "PU" when she needed a diaper change, or was going to the bathroom.  This has come in handy, as there have been times when I haven't been able to get Savannah on the potty, as I was either feeding or changing her little sister.  We told Savannah that if she smelled something, it was safe to assume she had gone #2.  So, back to the restaurant.  While we were waiting in line to enter a stall, Savannah kept looking around intently.  I didn't know what she was doing, but let her look around, while I waited for a stall to open.  As a lady was leaving a stall, Savannah pointed to her, yelled "Mommy" so that everyone could hear, and proceeded to fan her nose and say "PU," all while pointing at the lady.  Then, she followed up by saying a phase I hadn't heard until that time, "diaper change."  My face turned beet red, as I tried to hush Savannah and put her pointing finger down.  But, like most children, she continued to say "PU" and "diaper change."  The poor lady, who had all the attention turned on her, didn't know what to say, and walked out quietly.  I felt so bad, and it only made it worse, when we left the restroom and returned to our table.  The lady who Savannah pointed out in the bathroom, was sitting at the table next to us.  And, for the rest of the dinner, Savannah sat there and smiled and waved to her.  Now, I believe them when people say that children say the darnedest things.  Savannah had so much fun, while making myself and this innocent women feel embarrassed.

And, the second occasion, which occurred at home, happened just days after we began potty training Savannah.  Family and friends have told me to keep the door open and let Savannah see me going potty, so that she learns the potty is where you do your business.  So, one day I put Savannah on her Elmo floor potty, and then got called away by her fussing sister.  Usually, I would sit with her for 10-15 minutes waiting for her to go.  During that time, she would fan through her books that I left next to the potty.  She was so into one of her books, that she didn't want to get off the potty.  I told her I would be right back.  While changing her sister's diaper, my husband came home from work, really having to go the bathroom (#2 thankfully), and quickly ran to our bathroom, where the Elmo potty was set up in the corner.  Because my husband was in a rush, he didn't notice Savannah sitting there reading a book.  That was, until she said, "Hi Daddy," and passed him a book to read.  Again, another moment, where a parent, this time my husband, was embarrassed, as the last thing he expected was to see Savannah sitting on the potty next to him.  Now, my husband makes a b-line for the guest bathroom whenever he is in a rush and needs to go.

What has been the funniest thing your child (or grandchild) has done in the bathroom?  I'd love to hear your stories.  After you are done leaving your story in the comment section below, please head on over to the Clorox Lounge, a community just for mom's to go for comic relief, giveaways and more.  There, you will learn about Last Comic Sitting Competition and Sweepstakes, which began on February 27th.   Don't forget to vote for your favorite mom and dad comics, who are vying for the title, "Last Comic Sitting."

About The Clorox Lounge:

The Clorox Family of Toilet Product’s on-going Ode to the Commode campaign, recognizing the toilet’s vital role in our routine, continues with the launch of The Clorox Lounge, a community hub designed to be mom’s gotta go place for comedy, starting on January 26, 2012. Hosted by comedian, actress and mom Sherri Shepherd, the site found at features hilarious anecdotes, fun contests, exciting give-a-ways, coupons and just the right amount of comic relief.

About Last Comic Sitting Competition & Sweepstakes:

The Clorox Lounge activities kick-off with Last Comic Sitting Competition and Sweepstakes, starting February 27, 2012. Over the course of eight weeks, 10 of the funniest mom and dad comics will go head-to-head in a stand-up throw-down for the chance to sit on the throne and be crowned the Last Comic Sitting. Each week, they’ll face a new challenge and based on consumer voting one will be eliminated. The grand prize winner will receive $10,000. For four weeks, you will have the opportunity to vote and narrow the comics down to the top mom and top dad.

You also have an opportunity to win $10,000 in the Last Comic Sitting Sweepstakes. Simply visit The Clorox Lounge to sign-up and be automatically entered for a chance to win the top prize. You can generate up to two additional entries each day, per day, by logging in and commenting, until April 22, 2012. Fans can also enter for a chance to win cool prize packs. Ten will be given each week, for twelve weeks, until April 22, 2012.

For more information visit:

Disclosure:  I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Clorox® blogging program, to earn My SocialMoms Rewards Points. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. To read more posts on this topic, click here.

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