
Monday, March 19, 2012

DVD Review: Watch and Talk, Presented by Rebecca St. James, Volumes 1 and 2


Volume 1 -- Living in the Light of God's Grace
Buy now for only $15.26

This series premiere includes five short parables to help your family grow in faith and live in the light of God's grace. First, in "The Clock," explore how Jesus leads with grace, but follows it with truth. Then, discuss a new twist on an all-time favorite parable in "Young Prodigal." Next, take a lighthearted look at Easter egg hunts and acting like Jesus in "The Egg" and watch a modern version of the parable where the last are first and the first are last in "The Fair Employer." Finally, in "The Two Debtors" from Luke 7, the one who has the larger debt forgiven loves the forgiver more.

Hosted by GRAMMY Award-winning Christian musician Rebecca St. James, Watch & Talk is an easy and exciting series that engages families in devotions that are fun, open-ended, and Bible-based. The DVD comes with a study guide, and each short film has a specific theme intended to drive insight and powerful change in viewers' lives.

Volume 2 --  Walking in the Light of God's Love
Buy now for only $15.26

Walk in the light of God's love with these five short films and Bible readings that help your family discover what God may be trying to say to you today. Volume 2 includes parables about the Good Shepherd who never leaves the lost sheep ("The Lost Bear"), the persistent neighbor ("Knock"), the joy of sharing the Good News ("Message in a Bottle"), and the fruit of the Spirit ("More Than Words"). In addition, "The Wise and Foolish Maidens" is a hip-hop, dancing version of Jesus' parable of the maidens who were ready and the ones who were not.

Hosted by Christian singer and actress Rebecca St. James, Watch & Talk is an easy way for families to engage in devotions that are open, fun, and Bible-based. The DVD comes with a study guide, and each short film has a specific theme intended to drive insight and powerful change in viewers' lives.

My Thoughts:

Looking for a fun and easy way to share the Bible with your family?  Then, you need to pick up these two volumes in the Watch and Talk series.  Presented by Rebecca St. James, viewers will be introduced to lessons/devotions through a short film (under 10 minutes), which you can then follow up by reading the short scripture suggestion.  This will open up the lines of communication with everyone in the family, young and old, to talk about God and how he is present in our day to day activities. 

With Easter just around the corner, Volume 1's short parable, The Jesus Egg, which touches upon Easter egg hunts and Jesus in a lighthearted way.  My husband and I watched both volumes in a sitting, and loved how it got us talking about the Bible, God and how this series would be great to share with our girls when they get a little older.  It was hard to choose as favorite short from these two discs, but the two that resonated with me were Message in a bottle, a modern parable about the joy of sharing the Good News and The Wise and Foolish Maidens, which is a modern-day hip-hop version of Jesus' parable of the ten maidens. 

Like the DVD's say, It is so simple, just... just watch each short film and you will be amazed at how it will get every member of the family talking about particular scriptures  and the films they have just viewed.  I can't wait to pick up additional volumes in this engaging family-friendly series.

Disclosure:  I was sent copies of these DVDs from Bridgestone Multimedia Group in order to write up an honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.

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