
Monday, March 19, 2012

DVD Review -- The Bible Explorer Series: Search for the Lost Shipwreck of Paul

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In his fourth expedition in the Bible Explorer Series, Bob Cornuke sets sail on an adventure in the Mediterranean Sea to the island of Malta in search of the ancient lead anchors from the shipwreck of the apostle Paul. Using the words of Acts 27 from the Bible and techniques he learned as a police officer and crime scene investigator, the modern-day Indiana Jones probes every angle of this 2,000-year-old mystery to prove the historical accuracy of God's Word and determine if the anchors originally found by Maltese fishermen in the 1960s and early 1970s are indeed remnants of Paul's misadventure at sea. What he discovers will leave you breathless!

Bob Cornuke is a biblical investigator who has made more than 20 expeditions around the world searching for lost locations described in the Bible. The other episodes in the Bible Explorer Series include Search for Noah's Ark, Search for the Ark of the Covenant, and Search for Mt. Sinai.

My Thoughts:

This was the first film I have seen which chronicles Bob Cornuke's Biblical expeditions, and will not be my last.  What was go great about this film, was that I was able to watch it one evening after the girls went to bed, as part of my "me time."  With a length of only 34 minutes, I was able to view this film, then have time for reflection, which is hard to do, as lately the girls have been getting up of and on throughout the night.  After I viewed this film, I did additional research along to learn about the 20+ other expeditions Bob Cornuke has been on, in order to uncover lost locations talked about in the Bible.  In this film, he sets off to find the anchors of apostle Paul's shipwreck.  What I found so fascinating about Bob's journey to uncover the truth about the anchors, which were pulled up during the 60's and 70's by Maltese fishermen, in his hope to find the actual anchors from Paul's shipwreck, was that Bob took the viewer to the exact spot of the dive.  Similar to dive shots from the Titanic searches, it really got the viewer thinking about if the anchors could survive this long underwater and were they pulled up by fishermen over 50 years ago?  If you like expedition-type films, or films that try and share the truths and writings of the Bible, then you will enjoy this family-friendly film.  And, at only 34 minutes in length, it is a great film to watch with younger viewers, who have a shorter attention span.  I could see this film being popular in Sunday school classes, as it will spark an interest in young viewers and get them thinking about what they have read in the Bible and how Bob Cornuke travels to world to uncover these lost places.

Disclosure:  I was sent a copy of this DVD from Bridgestone Multimedia Group in order to write up an honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.

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