
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Daily Rituals That Really Do Bring a Bring Together (Along with Tropicana Sweepstakes)

How does your family start the day?  I look forward to the weekends, as Saturday and Sunday are when we get to spend the most time together, including having breakfast together as a family.  Before children, my husband and I would pass in the AM during the week, as he would leave for work early, while I would head into the shower and get ready for work, as he was walking out the door.  There were never rituals we had.  That was, until our daughters came along.  Since then, we want to make sure that we spend as much time together as possible, and share important times of the day, like meal time together.  So, when the weekends roll around, I am up making pancakes (for my husband) and eggs for Savannah, which I serve alongside fresh fruit and tall glasses (and sippy cup) of Tropicana pure orange juice.  

When it comes to orange juice selection, I am limited on time as it is, so I don't have the luxury of squeezing my own oranges for OJ.  Instead, I make sure I have bottle of Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice on hand.  This OJ contains 100% pure Florida Orange Juice. I have been drinking this brand for years, and have always been impressed with its flavor, price and availability.  And, recently, I was surprised to find out that Tropicana is the single largest buyer of Florida fruit, purchasing approximately 11.6 billion oranges from Florida each year, and that Tropicana uses groves in 22 different Florida counties, primarily in central and southern Florida.  

Some other interesting facts about Tropicana that I learned also include:
  1. The different microclimates and soil types mean that fruit reaches peak maturity at different times, allowing Tropicana to harvest ripe fruit throughout the entire growing season.
  2. The two major orange types in Tropicana Pure Premium are Valencia and Hamlin. Valencias typically have more intense color and flavor, while Hamlins can be sweeter. They each add unique characteristics to the TPP blend.
  3. Many Florida growers sample oranges by cutting them into a cup shape, allowing for drinking juice directly from the fruit.
  4. Tropicana’s roots in Florida go back a long way. Some of its current grower relationships date to the 1960s.
  5. Oranges have been grown in Florida since the 1560s, approximately 147 years before any other U.S. state.

Once all the food is cooked and the OJ is poured, we sit down at the table and enjoy eating together.  We talk about our plans for the weekend, which generally include father/daughter time at the local park, or a library reading meetup.  Then, as a family, we will take a scenic drive and stop and explore new areas, before heading home to unwind for the day.

I find that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  It is not only great for bonding with family, but all recharges your batteries and gets your going, for a busy day with two young children.  I love being able to look across the table and see Savannah interacting with her little sister.  In no time, they will be chit chatting together, playing and feeding their dolls together at the table, as my husband and I watch on.  Rituals like eating breakfast together, really help to keep your children in a routine, and looking forward to the weekend, when both Mommy and Daddy can eat a meal together with them.

I'd love to hear about your family's routines, and how they make spending time together even sweeter.  Please leave them in the comments section below. And, if you are not starting your day with a cold glass of OJ, why not pick up a bottle today and see what you are missing.  It really does put a little pep in your step, and a smile on your face!  

SocialMoms has teamed up with Tropicana to share the news about Tropicana Pure Premium 100% Pure Florida Orange Juice and tell the story about the Florida growers who provide the oranges that make Tropicana Pure Premium 100% Pure Florida Orange Juice. Start your daily routine on a pure, fresh note. Take a moment to learn more about their story at

Enter the Tropicana sweepstakes for a chance to win 100 Florida prizes, including one-year-supplies of Tropicana (in the form of twelve 59 oz Tropicana Pure Premium containers) and a trip to Florida to visit an orange grove. Share the news about the sweepstakes with your readers! Ninety-nine winners will get a one-year supply of orange juice in the form of twelve coupons for (12) 59 oz Tropicana Pure Premium® containers. One winner will get a trip to a Florida orange grove and invite three (3) guests for:  Round-trip airfare for four (4) to Florida, three (3) night stay at a Florida hotel.The winner will have an exclusive experience at experience at a Florida orange grove. For official rules and regulations, visit the “sweeps” tab on Tropicana’s Facebook page at

About Tropicana:

Tropicana is committed to using the best fruit to give you the great tasting juice you love and the nutrition your body needs. Each 59oz container of Tropicana Pure Premium® has 16 fresh-picked Florida oranges squeezed into it and an 8oz glass gives you 100% vitamin C to help you maintain a healthy immune system.

More info on Tropicana:
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Disclosure: I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Tropicana blogging program, to earn My SocialMoms Rewards Points. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. To read more posts on this topic, click here.

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