
Friday, March 30, 2012

Litfuse Publicity Group's Book Blog Tour: The Money Saving Mom's Budget by Crystal Paine, Audio Edition (Review and Giveaway)

I was recently sent an electronic copy of Money Saving Mom by to listen to and review, as part of the Litfuse Publicity Group Book Blog Tour.  This audiobook came in handy these past couple of weeks, while I was up late nursing our sick daughter, Arabella. I would listen to this audio book while I rocked her to bed. Since listening to it, I have begun to apply some of what I have learned in my family's daily life, hoping to save us money in the long run.  I'll keep you posted on how this goes, as the weeks go on.  But, in the meantime, I wanted to share a little bit more about this book and its author, Crystal Paine, with you, in case you wanted to pick up the print version, or the audio version to enjoy.

About the book:

Crystal Paine, who has helped busy women everywhere take control of their finances, presents her most effective strategies designed for families of all sizes and income levels

With hundreds of inspiring “why didn’t I think of that?” TIPS, plus WORKSHEETS, Paine breaks down your goals into easy, manageable steps so you can:

• Achieve a complete financial makeover

• Set up a realistic budget

• Never pay retail

• Slash your grocery bill

• Organize your time & your home

• Use coupons wisely

• Pay with cash only

• Live simply

• Become debt free

• Choose contentment

• Make every dollar count
About Crystal Paine: 
Crystal Paine is a wife and homeschooling mom to three young children who has been writing on topics related to frugality for the last five years—and living a frugal, simple, and debt-free life since she was born. Her blog,, is one of the top personal finance blogs on the web averaging over four million page views per month. Crystal has contributed to articles in Woman's Day magazine and All You magazine, as well as being mentioned on National Public Radio and, in USA Weekend, and Real Simple magazine and numerous other local newspapers and radio and television stations.

My Thoughts:

I ended up listening to this audio book twice, as there were so many great money saving tips to write down, and I didn't have a pen and paper handy while rocking my daughter while listening to it the first time around.  So, during the second listen, I made sure to note everything that I wanted to try with my family in hopes of saving money each month.  I loved how Crystal spoke to you, as another mom looking to save money, instead of down to you.  Also, she made grasping and applying each money saving trick/tip by breaking each one down into manageable steps.  Since welcoming our two daughters over the past two years, I have gone from working outside the home, to becoming a stay-at-home mom.  As a result, our two income household went down to one.  Prior to children, my husband and I weren't afraid to spend money or rack up credit card debt, as we knew we would pay it over time.  But, once the girls arrived, and we had to start buying diapers, formula and baby gear, our frivolous spending went out the window, and we began to work on a monthly budget.  There were times were hospital visits and other unexpected expenses hit us, and we weren't prepared financially to handle them.  So, we ended up charging them.  My husband and I both agree that we don't like carrying credit card debt, and every month, we make a point to pay it off.  With the help of Crystal's tips, we have developed a more manageable budget, have begun using cash to pay for things (and not credit cards), and I have worked couponing into our monthly grocery list.  I have seen in just 2 weeks my grocery bill slashed in half, less trips to the ATM to take out money for impulse buying, and an overall positive feel for our monthly spending and savings habits.  Instead of arguing about where money went to, my husband and I are now planning special day trips with the money we are savings, as a reward for being money conscious consumers and working to improve our savings for our entire family.  If it wasn't for Crystal's book and helpful hints, I think we would still be struggling with putting together a monthly budget that worked, and got us through the money, without needing to rely on credit cards, or dipping into savings.  

If you are looking to improve your family's overall spending and savings habits, then you should definitely invest in this book.  Like I said, I have only been applying what I have learned for a couple of weeks now, but have seen significant savings.
---BUY NOW---

Click here to order a copy of Crystal's book for yourself:

"What I love about the audio edition of The Money Saving Mom'®s Budget is that I can listen to it on the go - on my run, in the car, or while I'm folding laundry. AND ... I love that it comes with the downloadable worksheets. I am able to work through those while listening to Crystal speak. So helpful. Perfect for my busy schedule." --Anne, blogger (and reformed budget breaker!)

Celebrate with Crystal by entering her iPad2 Giveaway (a GREAT tool to keep track of your budget!) and RSVPing to the Live Webcast Event on 4/5!

One savvy winner will receive:
  • A Brand new iPad2
  • The Money Saving Mom's Budget by Crystal Paine, audio edition
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends 4/4/12. Winner will be announced at The Money Saving Mom's Live Webcast Event on 4/5. Crystal will be hosting an evening of chat, laughter and encouragement - bring your friends! She'll share tips and advice and her husband will be joining her to share how the principles Crystal outlines in her book have dramatically impacted their family life. She'll also be giving away some GREAT prizes: gift certificates, books, and much more!

So grab your copy of The Money Saving Mom®'s Budget and join Crystal and friends on the evening of April 5th for an evening of fun of learning, sharing and encouragement.

Don't miss a moment of the fun. RSVP TODAY and tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 5th!

Want more info about the MSM?

  Click here!

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book by the author, in order to write up and honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone. 

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