
Friday, February 10, 2012

Valentine's Day Gift Giving Guide -- Gifts for Kids -- Someday by Alison McGhee and Peter H. Reynolds (Book Review)

  • Reading level: Ages 4 and up
  • Hardcover: 40 pages
  • Publisher: Atheneum Books for Young Readers; First Edition edition (February 27, 2007)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1416928111
  • ISBN-13: 978-1416928119
  • Buy now at Amazon for only $9.14.

A mother's love leads to a mother's dream--every mother's dream -for her child to live life to its fullest.
A deceptively simple, powerful ode to the potential of love and the potential in life, Someday is the book you'll want to share with someone else--today. The perfect gift for Mother's Day, Graduation Day or Any Day--share a copy with every special person in your life.
My Thoughts:

If you have followed my blog for some time, then you know about my past cancer treatment in 2008, which should have resulted in not being able to have children, per the doctors talks with me.  But, on July 19, 2010, and, then again on November 10, 2011, I received the greatest gifts a person could receive -- the gift of motherhood, thanks to two beautiful and healthy daughters.  Even though they have turned my once stable and organized world upside down, I wouldn't trade it for the world.  And, having lived through a year of radiation and chemotherapy, and being almost 3 years out of treatment, with clean scans, I don't take anything for granted, and each and every day is cherished. 

Even though my days are filled with chaos, constant feedings and diaper changes, they are also consumed with innocent laughter, unlimited hugs and kisses and pure bliss of motherhood.  The best part of the day with my daughters is bedtime, when we snuggle together and read a few books before bedtime.  Both Savannah and I will choose a separate book to read, and then we get into bed, hold each other close, and I read to her.  She usually chooses an Angelina Ballerina or Sesame Street book to have me read to her, but I choose books that have a real meaning behind them.  Whenever possible, I am always searching online and in bookstores for children's books that will let Savannah and Arabella know how much they mean to their Daddy and I. 

After hearing other moms rave about Someday by Alison McGhee and Peter H. Reynolds, I had to pick up a copy and see for myself, why it had made some moms cry. Alison McGhee kindly had her publicist send me a copy to read and share with my daughters.  Like I do with all new books I get, I read it first to myself, making sure it was appropriate to share with my daughters.  As I read the last few pages of the book, I was also brought to tears, as I thought about how my mother has watched me grow into a mother, with a daughter of my own.  Three years ago, I would never have imagined this, but as I sit here writing this post today, I can't believe how much love you can feel for your children, from the moment they are born.  You never think you can love a person so much - but, you do! 

This is a very heartwarming and sentimental book that is perfect to share with your daughters, as well as your mother, as she will relate reading it.  My daughter, Savannah, thinks I am crazy, as I choose to read this book at least 2-3 times a week to her.  But, I know that when she gets a little older, she will see why it has become a personal favorite of mine.  Two lines in the book that I love are: "Sometimes, when you sleep, I watch you dream, and I dream too..." and "Someday I will watch you brushing your child's hair."  With Valentine's Day around the corner, why not pick up a copy of this book to share with your little girl(s).  I know that after you read it once, it will become a favorite of yours, too.

About the Author:

Alison McGhee is a Pulitzer Prize nominee and a #1 New York Times bestselling author. She writes for all ages and in all forms, from poetry and stories to novels and picture books and essays, and her books are popular with critics and readers alike. Her novel Shadow Baby was a Today Show Book Club pick, and her picture book Someday was featured on NPR.

Several of her books have been Borders Original Voices selections, Booksense 76 picks, Children's Book of the Month club and Junior Literary Guild selections.

Her many awards include four Minnesota Book Awards, the GLCA National Fiction Award, Friends of the American Library Award, Gold Oppenheimer Toy Portfolio Award, ALA Best Books for Children, and Parents' Choice Award, and a City Pages Artist of the Year award.

Alison is an associate professor of creative writing at Metropolitan State University, where she coordinates the creative writing program. She has taught at many other colleges and universities and was a founding member of Hamline University's
MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults.

Alison and fellow writer-teacher Brad Zellar also teach privately. If you're interested in taking one of their one- to three-day intensive, fun creative writing workshops, which are designed for all ages and experience levels, please check out for more information.

Disclosure:  I was sent a copy of this book by the publisher in order to write up an honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.

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