
Monday, February 13, 2012

Spotlight on Mom -- Dhana Cohen of The Next Big Zing

Do you have a buzzworthy product that deserves to be awarded?  Then, why not enter the Next Big Zing Award Program.

What is the Next Big Zing Award Program?:

The Next Big Zing Award Program is the only independent, professional based review board searching out and awarding the hottest trends and most innovative products of the year. 

How Does it Work?:

Businesses submit their products for consideration; each product submitted will be screened by our prestigious panel of judges for marketability, package design, retail placement and of course consumer excitement.

Retailers, Media and Consumers come the The Next Big Zing to find which new products have all the buzz, or as we like to say, "Zing" for each year.  If you have a great product, then we want to hear from you!

How Do You Enter?:

If you think you have a great product, and would like to be considered for the The Next Big Zing Award Program, click here to complete the application, which has a $65 evaluation fee.  In addition to this award program, The Next Big Zing has partnered with SkyMall Catalog to find the most innovative products for 2012.  Appplications are being taken until March 15, 2012.  Winners will be announced in the Summer edition of SkyMall.  Five winners will be selected to have their products sold in the catalog,, and presented on -- a prize backage worth over $7,000.  Winners will be seen by 1.8 million passengers a day, for 3 months!  And, as a special deal, just for Inspired by Savannah readers, Dhana is offering $20 off the evaluation fee of $95. Simply use coupon code "ROBIN" at checkout to receive this discount.  So, what are you waiting for?

Complete the The Next Big Zing Award application and/or the SkyMall Catalog contest form to see how your product stands up against others this year!  You have nothing to lose, and so much to gain!!!!!

Now that you have learned more about The Next Big Zing Award Program and how to enter, please enjoy my interview with Dhana Cohen, the woman behind this wonderful business and award program.  Enjoy!

Name: Dhana Cohen

Company Name/Product/Service: The Next Big Zing

Company Location: the world wide web

Company Website:

Facebook URL:

Twitter Handle: @thenextbigzing

Age of Company: 4 years

Favorite Inspirational Quotes: "Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome." — Arthur Ashe, tennis champion

Favorite Books: Business book: The Tipping Point; Personal book: Time Travelers Wife

Tell us a little bit about yourself. How many children do you have? What are their ages? Your hobbies? Etc. 

My name is Dhana...pronounced whole life I had to tell people how to pronounce it, I think that is what made me a good sales person, and not afraid of talking to strangers. I love my business; but more than that- I love my family. I have an amazing husband -Freddy, 2 great boys Austin 16 and Spencer 11, and a wonderful step-daughter Bari 27. We are a very active family, traveling all over, from South America to our sleepy little vacation house in Northern Wisconsin.

Briefly explain your business. How did it come about? 

Watching Oprah one day, I saw the owners of Youtube, who had just sold to Google for 1.6 billion dollars. And thought I need to find a business that combines video with something...hmmm Then it hit me-I had to help inventors and share their message through videos. I air inventors videos, do my own video reviews and provide them with the only business award outside of the trade for innovative products!

What is a typical work day like? 

I wake up around 7:30, and always check my emails while getting the kids off to school...I try and balance everything, since I am really the only one wearing all the hats! Social Media, sales, evaluations, video reviews, PR, marketing, wow thats a lot. But the day doesn't stop when the kids come home or when 5:00 hits! I work during the night too! Watching TV with the family after dinner, til 10:00. When you have your own business, you can't stop supporting yourself!

What has been a struggle while starting up your company? 

It has taken a lot longer than I would have thought! Never enough time in a day!

What did you do in your past work life? 

Advertising Sales, first for The Chicago Tribune, a radio station in Phoenix, AZ. and back in Chicago at Chicago Magazine, and then for an international Home Design magazine.

What have been some of your major successes? 

The Tribune, I was 26 and making 6 figures, and then now...The Next Big Zing has been selected by SkyMall catalog to do a big product search contest!

What have been some of your major challenges? 

Getting seen and heard!!

On those impossible days, what motivates you to keep going? 

I just love what I do...I know all businesses have down days, you have to keep plugging away for those great days!

What is your balancing secret in managing a business and family?

I try and take a few hours in the afternoon for my kids, running them to their activities, helping with homework, and most nights making a good dinner and sitting down as a family-this is what is important!

What is next for your business? 

Making us a household name-I think SkyMall will help achieve that!

Do you have any advice for other mom entrepreneurs that are starting out and struggling, or are on the fence about starting a business? 

If you have a supportive family and a passion-then go for it. Just note, it takes longer hours, more money and a tougher climb-but its worth it!!!

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