
Monday, February 27, 2012

Spotlight on Mom -- Amy Bergin of the Couponizer Company


With The Couponizer, you will save lots of money of course, but also time and energy too! Our revolutionary coupon organizer is more than just a coupon holder or book, but a whole system of tools designed for consistent savings you can take to the bank!

How Will the Couponizer Help You Save?:

Getting cash out of your coupons takes having ORDER, STRUCTURE, EFFICIENCY and SUPPORT to make it happen! Otherwise you wind up with a bunch of paper clutter which creates unnecessary stress rather than savings. The Couponizer provided all that is needed to start saving quickly and keep going so savings add up!

Already tried other organization methods? Envelopes? Binders? Accordian files? Rolodex? All good until you have to use them consistently week in and week out. Over time, the frustration outweighs the function and then coupons become a burden instead of a blessing. You need a Couponizer!

Extreme Couponing is sweeping the nation however most consumers figure out quickly that a big bulky binder of coupons is just too much. Our feature product, The Couponizer, takes coupon organization to the next level and is compact, light and easy to organize and transport your savings to any store! The Couponizer book contains pockets that are categorized like the aisles of a grocery store as well as holder pockets for other coupons such as restaurant and retail. The organizational features work together to help you take full advantage of the multitude of savings opportunities available today both online and in print.


Please enjoy my Spotlight on Mommy interview with Amy Bergin, the creator of this amazing product, that busy moms like myself will benefit from, while helping to save their family money at the grocery store.  Make sure you head back here on Friday, when I review the Couponizer in more detail, and offer one lucky reader a chance to win one for themselves.

Name:  Amy Bergin
Company Name/Product/Service: The Couponizer Company
Company Location: Cumming, GA
Company Website:
Twitter Handle: @couponizer
Age of Company:  10 years
Favorite Inspirational Quotes: "You are my champion wife." -my husband  "I love you Mom." - my kids 
Favorite Book:  Oh so many to choose from...I recently read, "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett and "Necessary Endings" by Dr. Henry Cloud

Tell us a little bit about yourself.  How many children do you have?  What are their ages? Your hobbies? Etc.
I am married 15 years to Michael, we have 3 children.  2 daughters, Mary (13yrs), Molly, (10), Michael, Jr. (8).  My hobbies are playing tennis and I love to cook and bake.  I love watching my kids play sports and travel to their competitions.

Briefly explain your business.  How did it come about?
In 1999 I became a Mom and decided to stay home rather than go back to work.  I had worked for about 10 years in corporate training and before that was a corporate illustrator so as I was getting adjusted to living on a budget and managing the home, I turned to coupons to help organize my trips to the grocery store around savings.  I created my own coupon organizer, named it My Couponizer in 2001.  Friends from play group asked me to make one for them and in 2002 my husband and I decided to start a business selling the system.  I started selling the first edition Couponizer at the Atlanta Home Show in the Fall of 2002 after testing my design with a test group of consumers.  Today we sell online, The Couponizer system, accessories as well as support a team of authorized resellers who are called Couponizer Coaches.  We have 4 major online retail partners, Franklin-Covey,, Canada, and are the #1 best selling organizer for coupons and other discounts.
What is a typical work day like? 
Get the kids off to school (6:45am), Boot Camp 3 days a week(8-9am), then enjoy some quiet planning time before hopping on my computer and work on tasks, run a load of laundry here and there, load/unload the dishwasher, walk the dog, pick up around the house and get dinner started(9-2:30pm), pick-up kids from bus stop (2:45pm), homework supervision and cooking (3pm-4:30), greet middle schooler off bus (4:40pm), greet husband from work (5:00ish), family dinner together (5:15-5:45pm), by 6pm carpool kids to practices, home 8pm, baths/downtime 8-9pm, bed for kids 9pm, bed for me 10pm.
What has been a struggle while starting up your company?  
Nothing special, just the same as every small flow!
What did you do in your past work life?
Corporate training and development was the main focus of my career.
What have been some of your major successes?
Selling out 3 times on QVC, growing and persevering through the recession, improving the product with each print run, receiving positive feedback from customers.
What have been some of your major challenges?
Getting the word out about our product to wider and wider audiences
On those impossible days, what motivates you to keep going?
I believe that there is no problem so huge that there is not a solution, I ask God to give me courage and wisdom everyday.  And my husband is encouraging and supportive since we are in this together.
What is your balancing secret in managing a business and family?
There is no such thing as balance, it is all about negotiating what I do with my time and owning it.  Are there times when the business can wait and I am doing all wife and mother things all day? Yes, it is the highest calling in my life and I will not be distracted from my relationship with my husband and raising our kids.  Are there days when I work more and see the family less?  Yes, it is negotiated and not a surprise.  Are there days when it is all mixed together? Yes and my family sometimes doesn't even notice or if they do, they often times help me and we have fun being together. 
What is next for your business?
Hopefully some strategic partnerships to make our product a customer loyalty gift.
Do you have any advice for other mom entrepreneurs that are starting out and struggling, or are on the fence about starting a business? 
There is only so much information you will glean from the outside.  Starting and sustaining something means you just move forward knowing your strengths and having the courage to figure things out.  Having your spouse with you in this journey (and not half hearted or worse resisting) is essential for long term growth and success since it this will impact the trajectory of your life.

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