
Monday, February 27, 2012

My Review of the CT Flower and Garden Show


The “31th annual Connecticut Flower & Garden Show” – one of the largest and most prestigious flower shows in New England – was held from Thursday, February 23 through Sunday, February 26, 2012 at the Connecticut Convention Center on 100 Columbus Blvd. in Hartford.I was lucky enough to attend this event yesterday.  Like I said in my previous post, promoting this event (and offering a giveaway of tickets), my family always looks forward to the spring flower shows, as they mean there is an end in site from the cold winter months, here in New England.  Since moving to CT back in 2007 from Massachusetts, my family has made a point to take in the annual Connecticut Flower & Garden Show.  We love the setup of this event, compared to other flower shows we have attended, as it offers an array of displays that are truly breathtaking, as well as vendors selling a multitude of products that would make an gardener or green thumb go crazy for.  In addition, attendees can sit in on helpful seminars presented by experienced horticulturists and experts, free of charge with their admission, have their soil pH levels tested and simply take in the sweet smells of  the colorful, blooming flowers on display.  

I brought along my daughter, while my husband stayed back with Arabella, who was colicky and not in the mood to go out.  This was the first time Savannah attended a flower show.  As soon as we walked in and saw the displays done by professional landscape designers, she was hooked.  She kept running over to her favorite displays, pointing to flowers and smelling what seemed like each individual flower.  As we made our way through the displays and vendors, we began to hear 50's music.  If you follow my blog, you know that Savannah goes crazy for any type of music.  As soon as she hears music, her eyes light up and she begins to dance around.  The same thing happened, as we walked onto the make-shift wooden dance floor, which had an old 50's jukebox cranking out tunes from "The Fabulous Fifties,"  The older gentleman, manning the jukebox got a kick out of Savannah. And, within a minute, he was up out of his chair and dancing around with her.  If only my husband was there to capture this precious moment on camera.  I was too busy dancing with them both to take a photo. :-)  

Here are just some of the photos of displays I was able to capture, when not chasing Savannah around.  :-)

Overall, I was impressed with each and ever landscape designed display at this event, and wished I had a big enough yard to incorporate some of the displays and their flowers.  Many attendees were taking photos so that they could remember their favorite flowers, design patterns, and more, as they begin to plan their spring and summer gardens.  I ended up picking up a gardener's tool set for Savannah, in hopes she will help me plant a mini garden for her and her little sister to enjoy this year.  And, hopefully, she will grow up with a love and appreciation for flower and gardening.  

Come on ground -- start thawing, so that I can get out there and dig!!!!!

This show was sponsored by B & P Turf Farm, Bedard Enterprises, Connecticut Magazine®, Goodyear Farms, North East Expos, T.J. Bark Mulch, Connecticut Horticulture Society, Bob Kelly Florist, Inc.; Connecticut Home & Garden Magazine, WRCH Light 100.5, and WFSB Channel 3.

If you were unable to attend this year's Connecticut Flower & Garden Show, make sure you mark your calendar for next year, and set up a reminder to check out
for the 2013 schedule.  This is definitely a family-friendly event not to miss!

Disclosure:  I was given a media pass in order to attend the event and write up an honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.

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