
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Help Support a Great Cause, While Enjoying Some Delicious Homemade Cookies from Casey's Cookies (Review)

Casey's Cookies Mission:

Mentally disabled adults are as vulnerable as small children -- trusting far more than they should, and loving those who show even the slightest kindness.But, it’s difficult for them to find their place in society once they leave school.

A few may get jobs working in a hospital laundry, assisting with lawn care, bagging groceries, or working in a fast food restaurant, but most simply remain at home until their parent or guardian is no longer able to care for them.

Casey’s Cookies offers a new opportunity. Under the supervision of volunteers, participants bake cookies from scratch, then package and sell their gourmet and specialty cookies to individuals and local businesses. They learn the importance of teamwork and other valuable job skills while helping to build a business that will provide them with income and a safe place to live. It’s an exciting project, and one that you can be a part of.

We’re in need of donations to fund our cookie production and sales activities, gifts to help speed the development of a residential community, volunteers to assist with transportation and supervision, and also companies and individuals who want to buy cookies! If you would like to volunteer your time or make a financial gift to help Casey’s Cookies, please call (727) 388-4150, or email us at [email protected].

Meet Casey of Casey's Cookies:

Casey was born with Goldenhar Syndrome, a congenital birth defect that includes deformities of the face and spine, and in some cases mental retardation.  In addition to having a low IQ, Casey is severely hearing impaired, and has had nine major surgeries to correct curvatures of her spine and severely dislocated hips.  But, throughout her physical ordeals, and despite her reduced ability to comprehend, Casey has never lost her sense of humor or her love of people.  She has learned to read and write, and can solve simple math problems.  She loves Gospel music, and credits God with healing her.  Casey is a 2010 special diploma graduate of Gibbs High School in St. Petersburg, Florida, and the daughter of the couple that helped establish Casey’s Cookies.  She was one of the first four developmentally delayed individuals hired to be a part of Casey's Cookies, and spends every morning in the kitchen assisting with cookie preparation and packaging.


My Thoughts:

I was sent a sampling of each of Casey's Cookies signature flavors, and was amazed at just how good they tasted.  I tried spacing out the 8 cookies that were sent my way over a few days, and couldn't believe that at day 3 they still tasted like they were just baked, and so moist.  My favorite by far was their blueberry cookie.  I have never had a blueberry cookie, so I can't compare with others.  You should have seen the whole, plump blueberries that they used in their cookies.  Other blueberry desserts I have tried, like breads, use smoothed blueberries, or these chips that are blueberry flavored.  But, when it comes to Casey's Cookies, they take pride in their baked cookies, and this can be seen by the quality of each of their cookies.  They offer some cookie favorites like chocolate chip, as well as unique flavors including cranberry with white chocolate chip and cinnamon oatmeal raisin, made with plump golden raisins.  

Casey's Cookies offer their cookies in gift boxes, part of cookie trays and party packs, as well as by the dozen.  And, with eight flavors to choose from, including two sugar-free cookies, you are bound to satisfy your sweet tooth, or offer up a delicious gift to family and friends, which they will enjoy eating.

These cookies are just the icing on the cake so to speak for such a worthwhile cause. Casey's Cookies offers physically and mentally disabled adults the opportunity to learn skills such as team work, in addition to offering them an improved quality of life and the ability to live independently.  Through daily assigned tasks such as mixing, scooping baking, packaging, etc., participants prepare these delicious cookies for us all to enjoy year round.  I have read so many positive reviews from their recent Valentine's Day sales, and can't wait to see what they have in store for Mother's Day, and new flavors that they come up with.

Casey's Cookies is truly an inspirational story, and one that needs more recognition for the work that they do with and for physically and mentally disabled adults.  And, it was all started because of Casey, as through her perseverance and drive, not only has she overcome so much, she also provides inspiration to others who participate and help to make Casey's Cookies a success.

So, with Easter around the corner, as well as the need for a good homemade cookie to dip into your hot chocolate this winter/spring season, why not consider ordering a cookie sampler from Casey's Cookies.  And, make sure you try the blueberry cookies -- they are truly out of this world.  I am hoping my husband gets me some for Mother's Day!  hint hint hint... 

---BUY NOW---

Click here to order a cookie sampler, dozen cookies, cookie tray and more directly from Casey's Cookies website.  Cookies are baked fresh daily!

Disclosure:  I was sent samples from the vendor in order to write up an honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.

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