
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

DVD Review: Map of the Human Heart

Buy now for only $6.99 at Echo Bridge Entertainment

When a half-Eskimo boy named Avik (Jason Scott Lee, Balls of Fury) leaves his arctic home with a British mapmaker (Patrick Bergin, Ella Enchanted) to seek medical attention in Canada, it marks the first steps in an epic personal journey. In Montreal, Avik meets Albertine (Anne Parillaud, The Man in the Iron Mask), a half-Indian girl with whom his life will be forever linked. Spanning decades and distance through war and adversity, their star-crossed relationship becomes a grand romantic adventure. Featuring a memorable appearance by big-screen favorite John Cusack (Hot Tub Time Machine)—you'll agree with critics everywhere who raved about this outstanding motion picture.

Rated R

My Thoughts:

I remember hearing about this film in the early 90's when it was released, but for some reason never got around to seeing it until now.  I don't know why I waited so long.  It was an amazing movie, that is told in flashblacks, which I love.  One moment you think are you watching a love story, but then it switches to war scenes and makes you like you are watching a war movie.  And, when you are watching the love story part of the film, you don't get caught up in sappy or hot and heavy scenes that take away from the the true honesty of this film.  That being said, both men and women will enjoy this film.  You will be blown away with the visual appeal of the film and the scenic shots of the Artic. I loved the chemistry between the two young characters who played Avik and Albertine. 

What an adventure and emotional roller coaster this film brings the viewer on.  In the end, you on want the best for Avik, and hope that his romance with Albertine will stand the test of time.  If you didn't catch this film when it came out in 1993, then you must pick it up and watch it.  Even with all the advancements in cinematography over the years, this film stands up with the classic and recent hit films to strike a cord in your heart, and make you want to talk about this film with friends.

Disclosure:  I was sent a copy of this DVD by the vendor in order to write up an honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.

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