
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Children's DVD Review: The Fantastic World: Adventures in Values (3 Volume Set)


UPC: 095163883614
ISBN: 9780740324352
Customer Reviews: (Be the first to review)
Categories: Children
Buy now from Bridgestone Multimedia Group for only $23.96.


Laugh along with brothers Bill and Charles in 12 Fantastic World episodes as they learn what it means to have patience, compassion, and courage. These adventures also teach children why it's important to be honest and encourage others. Using humor to make valuable Bible lessons memorable for today's children living in a media-rich culture, these DVDs offer children entertainment and a Christ-centered message they won't soon forget.

Volume 1
When We Lie Others Cry: A Lesson in Honesty
Dundilly You: A Lesson in Compassion
Keep the Plus Sign in Mind: A Lesson in Encouragement
Patience Pays: A Lesson in Waiting
Never Fear God Is Near: A Lesson in Courage

Volume 2
Handle with Care: A Lesson in Gentleness
Make Time to Be Kind: A Lesson in Kindness
Friends First Self Second: A Lesson in Selflessness
Get Sticky with It: A Lesson in Perseverance
Forgiveness Is Freedom: A Lesson in Letting Go of Anger

Volume 3
Here's a Hint, Be Content: A Lesson in Bullying
Rules, Rules, Rules: A Lesson in Obedience

My Thoughts:

Brothers, Charles and Bill are so much fun to watch.  My daughter was hooked and couldn't stop laughing at their wacky personalities.  Even though she is too young right now to comprehend the lessons these episodes convey, I am a parent was impressed with the content and how they shared these important themes.  Through the 12 episodes, children will learn about values like courage, compassion, patience, honesty, forgiveness, contentment, obeying the rules and kindness.  Wow, a lot of positive themes, right?  Yes, what they are taught in such a fun way.  In regards to the biblical aspect included in these episodes, biblical text is shared along with the life lessons, as well as the constant reminder that "Jesus Loves You."  The biblical texts are not pushed on the viewer, so even if you are having your children remain open about religion, they will still enjoy these DVDs, and learn a great deal, so that they can apply these lessons to their own lives and become more well rounded individuals.  And, who can resist these two brothers ending each episode with a catchy "good-bye song."  Savannah got a kick out of them shaking their behinds, and ended up imitating them when this part of the song was sung.  What can you do? I could only laugh and smile, as she was getting into the song and dance.

If you are looking for a wholesome DVD set, that is packed with invaluable lessons for children, then this is a must have DVD set to add to your collection.  You can break up the discs and watch them episode by episode, breaking in between to discuss what lesson what conveyed with your children.  These DVDs are a great teaching tool for homeschooling parents, too.  I will definitley be keeping an eye out for future releases from these two crazy and loveable brothers.

Disclosure:  I was sent along a copy of this DVD from the vendor in order to write up an honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.

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