
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Children's Book Review: ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? by Gitte Spee

Ages: 3-5
32 Pages, 8.25 x 8.25
Formats: Cloth
Cloth, $16.95 (US $16.95) (CA $18.95)
ISBN 9788479428266
Rights: US & CA

Thomas the elephant is fed up with the constantly hot weather where he lives and wants to see snow, so he packs up his suitcase and heads for colder climates. Before he arrives at a location where it’s cold enough for snow, he discovers the fun of splashing in puddles, the magic of rainbows, and the sound of storms. 

El elefante Tomás está cansado del calor constante donde vive y quiere saber cómo es la nieve, así que hace su maleta y parte hacia tierras frías. Antes de llegar a un lugar suficientemente frío como para que nieva, sin embargo, descubrirá lo divertido que es chapotear en los charcos, la magia del arco iris y el ruido de las tormentas. 

My Thoughts:

I have always had a fascination and love for elephants.  Maybe it is because an elephant was the first plush toy I received when I was born, given to me by my father.  Or, maybe it is because I grew up loving the movie, Dumbo.  Who know?  But, ever since having my daughters, I am always on the looking for artwork to hang in their room, picture books with elephants, as well as plush elephants to give them.  So, when I saw ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? and the little elephant on the front cover, I knew I had to get this book and share it with my daughters.  And, being in Spanish was even better, as it was a great way for my husband, who is from El Salvador, to bond with the girls and share stories in his native tongue.  I also love that with my level of Spanish, I can also read this book to them.  

This book is easy to read and flows nicely, keeping a young child's attention.  And, if the beautiful story is not enough, both you and children will love the illustrations in the book, sharing all the different types of weather Thomas the elephant stumbles upon, while in search of snow.  I especially seeing him dancing in the rain and looking up at the beautiful rainbow.  

If you love sharing storybooks in Spanish with your child, then you will love ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? by Gitte Spee.  This book is also a great teaching tool, in helping educate your children on the different types of weather conditions. 

Disclosure:  I was sent a copy of this book by the publisher in order to write up an honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.

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