
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Must Read Book The Entire Family Will Enjoy –The Giving Jar by Krissy Smith



Pages: 50

Size: 9x11 Hardcover



There are moments in life when a seemingly small act of kindness can teach unforgettable lessons. A memorable summer spent at his Grandma’s farmhouse is such a time for 11-year-old Billy. Join Billy on his incredible journey where he discovers the magic of giving, the healing power of love, and that angels can reveal themselves in the most unlikely of places.

My Thoughts:

The Giving Jar is an inspirational book that is a good tool to teach children “acts of kindness.” The story is about a boy named Billy who is visiting his grandmother.  The grandmother keeps a mason jar on her counter, with a piece of paper stored inside.  One day Billy is catching worms to go fishing and needs something to store his catch in.  He automatically remembers the jar his grandmother keeps, and thought to himself what a perfect place to store the worms.  The jar has been sitting in the same spot and not being used for anything since he can remember.  However, the jar holds great significance to his grandmother.  And, when his grandmother catches him with the jar, she sits him down and tells him the story behind the jar, and the great significance it carries.  Billy’s grandmother came up with an idea to teach him how caring, love and showing kindness can make a big difference in a person’s life..  Through this project, Operation Giving Jar took hold.  Billy’s first Giving Jar project was to his grandmothers’ neighbor, mean Mrs. Mulgrich. Even as Billy grew, he continued the Operation Giving Jar   And, when Billy married and had children of his own, his family became involved.  The project continues to this day. 

This book is an excellent book for Sunday school classes, as well as families reading together.  It teaches kindness, caring, love and to think of others before yourself. Be prepared, as this story will bring tears to your eyes, as it did mine.  I can’t wait to share this book with my daughters when they get a little older.  And, when they become of age, this will be a wonderful project to start with them, to help give hope and inspiration to someone who is hurting and in need of love.

The object of the Giving Jar is to put three things in the jar to bring hope, love and inspiration.  Billy had to place the jar on the doorstep and not let the person know who was their angel.   What three things did Billy place in the jar?  You will have to read this book for yourself to find out!

About the Author:

Krissy Smith lives in a small town in Upstate New York with her husband and five young children. Her love of books began at a very early age. Krissy has always had a particular fondness for books written in verse.  As a child, she delighted in Dr. Seuss's lyrical tongue-twisters and it inspired her to begin her own journey as a writer.  Words constantly whirled in Krissy’s head until they made their way to paper, usually telling a quaint little tale in rhyme.  As she grew older and began a family of her own her writing was set aside for a short time, while she immersed herself in the most important and satisfying role in her life....being a mother.

Disclosure:  I was sent a copy of this book by the author in order to write up an honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.

1 comment:

  1. This book sounds like one that I would really enjoy and I think my best friend would also like to read this one.
    heather [email protected]
