Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Last Minute Holiday Gift Giving Ideas–For the Person Who Has Everything or the Heavy Sleeper in Your Life–Review and Giveaway

Closed.  Congrats to Christine Womack

Amplified, Vibrating Bed Shaker, Alarm Clocks
Sleep well knowing you'll wake up on time.
If you are not a morning person by choice, like me, then you know how hard it is to get up in the morning.  And, now with 2 babies at home, I can’t hit the snooze button anymore.  Instead, if I want a few precious minutes of “me time” in the AM before they get up, then I have to set my alarm clock and get up when the alarm goes off.  If not, then I am woken up by crying babies needing my full attention.  
Because I am a heavy sleeper due to limited # of hrs.slept per night, it is sometimes hard for me to hear the alarm going off.  And, also due to medical reasons, I am deaf in my left ear, so if I am sleeping on my good ear, then I will not hear the alarm go off.  When this happens, it makes for a sluggish day.  So, when I was given the opportunity to try out clocks from Sonic Alert, I couldn’t wait to see if they will would get me up in the morning.
The folks at Sonic Alert kindly sent me both their table and travel clocks to try out.  Until recently, I didn’t have the chance to try out the travel clock as I was pregnant and not traveling the last few months.  But, I brought the Sonic Alert clock with me to the hospital, as well as again last week, when our 4 week old daughter was in the hospital having surgery.  Both times, this travel clocked worked like magic.  Light and compact, it was easy to stuff in the overnight bag, and when plugged in, I was able to adjust the dimmer light from hi to lo.  After being up for 2 days straight, I was afraid I would sleep right through the alarm – but, I didn’t.  The extra loud alarm and vibrating motion woke both my daughter and I up.  Note to self:  Never use clock with newborn in the room.  She got scared from the loud noise and ended up providing me with loud noise of her own – crying, which seemed to have lasted forever Smile.

In regards to the SBP100 Sonic Shaker table clock, I have been using this clock for over a month now, and will not be going back to my old, unreliable clock.  Not only are the numbers large enough to see when I am half asleep, by the loud alarm and vibrating feature really do their job in getting me up in the AM.  My husband even loves this clock, as he has no excuse to sleep late in the AM.  Before, if the old clock didn’t go off or went off and we didn’t hear it, he would be late for work.  But, since using the Alarm Clock with Super Shaker™ – SB200ss, we are both up at 5:00AM every morning like clock work.

So, if you are hard of hearing, are looking for a reliable alarm clock, or just want to make sure you get up on time when at home and on the road, then why not check out the clocks from Sonic Alert.  Rest assured that you will get up in the AM, thanks to the Sonic Alert alarm clocks!

Small, light-weight, self-contained and battery-operated, this is a travel alarm that you can count on. It comes complete with batteries, pillow strap and clasp, and protective travel case. The SBP100 is small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, but packs a pretty big wake-up punch!

Sleep well knowing you’ll wake up on time, even when you’re on the road.

· 90 db Extra-loud alarm
· Sonic Shaker™ bed vibrating unit
· Pop-up display with convenience light (manually lighted display up to 50% longer battery life)
· Test button to test batteries, vibrator and sound operation
· Easy to set function keys
· Easy to read .75” display
· Continuous four minute Snooze setting
· Swivel & flush mounted display protects settings
· One-year Sonic Alert blast-proof warranty

Click here to buy now for only $34.95.


Alarm Clock with Super Shaker™ - SB200ss

The SB200ss is a great bedside alarm clock as well as an easy travel clock. Basic function is our unique extra-loud alarm for sleep / wake confidence, a large display and our bed vibrating unit in case you need a little ‘shaking for the waking’.
Sleep well knowing you’ll wake up on time.

· 113 db extra-loud alarm (with adjustable tone & volume control)
SS12VW Super Shaker™ bed vibrating unit
· Hi / low dimmer switch
· 9V battery backup, maintains time and alarm setting in the event of power failure (battery not included)
· Dual power capability – 110 / 220 volts (requires optional transformer)
· Dual time (12 / 24 hour)
· One-year Sonic Alert blast-proof warranty

Buy now for only $44.95.
---BUY NOW---
To order these and other products from Sonic Alert, click here now to browse their online store.
Want to win one of the above alarm clocks from Sonic Alert?  Simply complete the MANDATORY ENTRY first, and then as many EXTRA ENTRIES as you like for your chance to win. Winner gets to choose either the bedside or travel clock as the prize.
Head on over to Facebook and “like” Sonic Alert.  Leave a comment letting them know you are hoping to win a clock from Inspired by Savannah’s giveaway to try out for yourself.
(Please leave separate entries for each, along with your email address)
1) Subscribe to my blog via email and/or become a GFC follower (2 entries each)
2) Follow
me on Facebook (1 entry)
3) Enter any of my other
giveaways, leaving a comment with the name of the giveaway (1entry per giveaway entered)
4) Blog about this giveaway. It must include a link to this specific post, as well as a link to my blog, http://ctmomreviews.blogspot.com/. (In your comment, please leave a link directly to your post – 3 Entries)
5) Follow
me on Twitter (1entry)
6) Tweet about this giveaway (1 entry per tweet, per day; please include link to tweet in comment below)
Enter to #win a Sonic Alert Bedside or Travel Amplified Vibrating Clock
@rmccoy1234 http://ctmomreviews.blogspot.com/ #giveaway (Ends 1/6/12)
7) Vote for me on picket fence blogs (See button on right side of blog -- One entry per vote, per day; Note:  You can only your one vote per day on ONE giveaway; duplicate comments on other giveaways on the same day with be void)
8) Add to a Giveaway Linky site  (5 entries)

Open to US residents only. Giveaway ends on Jan. 6, 2012 at 11:59PM EST. I will then use Random.org to choose a winner. Winner will have 48 hrs. to respond to my email to claim prize. If I don't hear back from selected winner, I will draw another winner
Disclosure:  I was sent samples from the vendor in order to write up an hones review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.


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