
Monday, August 22, 2011

Spotlight on Mommy -- Lindsay Harris of Glow Baby

This week's Spotlight Mom is Lindsay Harris of Glow Baby.  I just fell in love with Lindsay's baby journals and wanted to share her products and stories with you.  

The first product that Lindsay created and sold was her Baby’s First Journal.  This journal is the perfect resource for parents to bring with to doctors appointments, to show and document accurate feedings, weight, etc, as it relates to their babies.  This journal would have come in handy with Savannah, as she was diagnosed with peloric stenosis at 1 month, and I had to accurately document how much formula she was taking in and, how often she peed and pooped (including the consistency and weight of the diapers) and how many times she vomited.  I had so many small sheets of paper and lists going, it was hard at times to keep track, and I would spend over an hour the night before a doctor's visit just compiling all the information from these scattered sheets into one document.  Thanks to Lindsay and her journals, you don't have to be scattered like I was when it comes to documenting important information as it relates to your baby.  Just look at the features of her Baby's First Journal, as an example.  In addition to this journal, she offers other journals for tracking feeding, as well as gift baskets and more. 


•5.5”x7.5” Journal – fits in diaper bag or purse

•3 months of logging pages to track baby’s feeding, diapering and sleeping
•Log both breastfeeding and bottle feeding
•Space to track vitamins, baths and special moments
•Easy to use and portable
•Includes a sample page for suggested use, growth log, and contacts page for important numbers
•Coil bound to lay flat for easy use
•Assists in developing a schedule for baby
•Useful in the early days to ensure baby is eating enough
•Handy for pediatrician visits
•Helpful for babysitters
•Made with Acid free paper with post consumer waste content 

As an added bonus, each page has an area for jotting down notes to help remember those special moments during the first few months of your child’s life.

Sample Page of Journal

Glow Baby journals would make great baby shower gifts or gifts for a new mom.  Below is my Spotlight on Mommy interview with the creator of these wonderful baby journals, Lindsay Harris.  Enjoy!

Name:  Lindsay Harris
Company Name/Product/Service: Glow Baby
Company Location: On the web
Company Website:
Twitter Handle: @lindsayGlowbaby
Age of Company:  2 yrs.
Favorite Inspirational Quotes: I’ve never been able to remember quotes.  That’s why I always write things down Smile
Favorite Book:  A Prayer for Owen Meany – John Irving.  

Tell us a little bit about yourself.  How many children do you have?  What are their ages? Your hobbies? Etc.

I am a very busy mom of two daughters.  Ainsley 4 1/2 and will be starting kindergarten in September.  Juliet is 2 1/2 and a comedienne.  If my spare time (a very rare occurrence) I love to read and knit.  I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 8 years and we currently live in Toronto, Ontario.

Briefly explain your business.  How did it come about?  

I started Glow Baby after a lot of soul searching.  I really did not want to go back to work after the birth of my two girls and had always wanted to run my own business.  When I was faced with going back after the birth of Juliet, I sat down and made a list of possible business ideas.  They say you should write what you know, so I figured I should apply this to any business venture I chose.  I realized my strengths were organization and my passion was my children so I wanted to merge the two together and come up with my business.  I had toyed with creating Baby’s First Journal previously, but didn’t have the push to get me started until I was faced with going back to work so the stars aligned and I created Glow Baby and published our first product: Baby’s First Journal.

What is a typical work day like? 

My typical days is pretty chaotic.  I generally wake up, check my emails, get the girls ready for nursery school/camp.  Take them to their activity.  Race home, work, then go pick the girls up and feed them lunch.  When Juliet goes down for her nap around 2, I usually work for another hour while Ainsley plays or watches tv.  Then we have playtime.  I make dinner, eat dinner and then my husband has time to play with the girls while I work again until just before bedtime when we do our bedtime routine.  I could then work again but I really try to have some time to myself at this point and relax.  I do sometimes have help in the afternoons in which case I can work longer.  My days are full and I am never bored.  It can get a bit much sometimes when my work demands and family demands get to be too much but over-all I am able to use my organizational skills to good use and manage to be able to fit everything in.

What has been a struggle while starting up your company? 

I think the biggest struggle is the uphill battle.  Not knowing where to go for help and how to do things the quick and easy way is tough.  The learning curve is steep but as you wade through the challenges, things start to become easier as you learn where to go for advice.

What did you do in your past work life?  

I worked in Recruiting for a bank.

What have been some of your major successes?  

My major success has been getting this business off the ground when Juliet was 3 months old and Ainsley was 2.  I think that the process of taking an idea and turning it into a reality is a huge success.  I have had many successes along the way and be they small or major, they all feel as rewarding.

What have been some of your major challenges?  

Definitely finding time to work on the business is the biggest challenge.  There is always something to be done and so much more that I wish I had time to do.  I have had to accept the time limitations that I do have and realize that Glow Baby will not be where I want it to be as quickly as I want it.  I have realized that I need to be happy with what I have accomplished so far.

On those impossible days, what motivates you to keep going? 

I realize that there will always be bad days and good days and that I just have to make it through the bad day and a good day will be around the corner.

What is your balancing secret in managing a business and family?  

I developed the Organized Family Calendar to help me balance.  This calendar allows me to keep track of everyone’s schedule plus my work schedule and childcare.  If it’s written down on a master calendar I am able to see the windows of time that I have for work as well as time for my family.  If it’s not written down, it doesn’t get done.

What is next for your business?  

We are heading down to Kentucky in September for the ABC Kids Expo and hope to get our products into more stores.  We are also working on new products to help busy families stay organized.

Do you have any advice for other mom entrepreneurs that are starting out and struggling, or are on the fence about starting a business? 

I think the best advice is to talk with other mompreneurs.  In general, most of the mompreneurs I have met will be candid with me about the realities of starting a business.  It is great to get their perspective and advice if you are struggling or are unsure. 

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