
Monday, June 6, 2011

Spotlight on Mommy -- Maureen Howard of Baby Merlin Company (Plus Giveaway)


And the winner is: Donna!

This week's Spotlight Mommy is Maureen Howard of Baby Merlin Company and inventor of the Magic Sleepsuit.  Just check out a few of the features and benefits of these amazing sleepsuits:
  • Soft, comfy microfleece outer layer
  • Cozy poly-fil layer for just enough warmth
  • Cuddly soft cotton inner layer next to baby's skin
  • Scooped neckline to help keep fabric away from baby's face
  • Double zipper for easy movement in/out of the suit and convenient diaper changes
  • Open hands to allow grasping and play
  • Open feet for ventilation and comfort
  • Multiple color choices (blue, yellow & pink available)
  • Machine washable and dryer safe 

  • Provides a cozy, secure sleep environment to aide in baby's sleep
  • Helps muffle the startles and twitches that wake babies prematurely
  • Helps soothe baby back to sleep if woken
  • Eliminates the need for any blankets or loose bedding in the crib
  • Gives your baby a cozy and secure feeling while sleeping separate from you on a firm crib mattress
  • Designed for back sleeping and helps prevent baby from rolling from back to stomach
  • Baby should need only a cotton one-piece in suit; thus, eliminating the need to bundle or use several clothing layers
  • Helps to eliminate need to increase room temperature in nursery
  • Helps keep baby at a constant and comfortable body temperature all night long
  • Easy transition from car seat to crib
  • Provides familiarity when traveling or sleeping in a different environment
  • Becomes part of consistent nap/bedtime routine
  • Helps to minimize the need for parental intervention (i.e. nursing, holding or rocking to sleep, etc)
If your child is growing out of their swaddler, then you must pick up a Magic Sleepsuit from the Baby Merlin Company today.  Check out the sizing chart below for your little one:


Ideally you should wait until your baby is 3 months of age to start using the Magic Sleepsuit, however, it really depends on the size of your child. The Magic Sleepsuit should fit comfortably, yet be snug enough so that the baby feels secure in the suit. There is some overlap between the small and large sizes with guidelines as follows:
Size AgeWeight
Small3-6 months12-18 lbs
Large6-9 months18-21 lbs

And, just for Inspired by Savannah readers, Maureen has kindly offered to offer a giveaway.  One lucky reader will win a Magic Sleepsuit in their color and size choice.  To enter, leave a comment below and let me know a soothing technique that has worked for you and your little one.  Make sure to include your email address with you comment, so that I can contact you if you win.  The giveaway will close on June 27th at 11:59 PM EST.  The winner will be drawn via

And, now on to my Spotlight of Mommy interview with Maureen Howard.  Enjoy!

Name: Maureen Howard
Company Name/Product/Service: Baby Merlin Company - Magic Sleepsuit
Company Location: PO Box 242, Uwchland, PA  19480
Company Website:
Facebook URL:  Baby Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit -!/MagicSleepsuit
Twitter Handle: @ Magic Sleepsuit
Age of Company:  2.5 years
Favorite Inspirational Quotes:  A favorite inspiration poem of mine I came across in college - it is called "Dream Big".  Here is a link (it is fairly long) -
Favorite Book: I like so many books - I'm in a book club in my neighborhood, so we are always reading good books.  The Help comes to mind as a recent favorite.
Tell us a little bit about yourself.  How many children do you have?  What are their ages? Your hobbies? Etc.  

I have four children (2 boys, 2 girls) ages 9, 7, 5 and 20 months.  I love to spend time with my family!  We are a very active family, and are very involved in sports and love to be outside doing things.  I enjoy reading and exercising.  I love the beach, and the pool.
Briefly explain your business.  How did it come about?  

When my first child was about 4 months old, he was not napping well in his crib (waking up every 30 minutes or so).  I would take him for walks in the jogging stroller, then roll it into my living room and he would sleep for 2-3 hours.  So, I decided to try to come up with something to simulate this environment, but for use in the crib, thus the Magic Sleepsuit was born.  I made him this sleepsuit and all of a sudden he started taking great naps and sleeping great at night - my husband and I really did call it the "Magic Sleepsuit", but at that point I had no thoughts of creating a product and starting a business.  Then my daughter came along, and went through the same phase and the Magic Sleepsuit saved the day again.  Then, friends starting asking me what I was putting my babies in to help them sleep, so I started making early prototypes for friends and they were working like a charm time and time again.  So, we started the process of researching the market, setting up a business, starting the patent process, getting protypes made, etc., etc.
What is a typical work day like?    

Again, I have four kids, so my first priority is getting them taken care of and off to school for the older ones.  I typically work on and off from home throughout the day as I can.  My husband and I often work many hours after we put the kids to bed.  We also work on weekends in between all the sports and other activities.
What has been a struggle while starting up your company?   

Specific to the business, finding the right manufacturer, and getting the product made just as I want it has been a little challenging.  Also, everything takes longer than you first think, which can be frustrating.  And, there just are not enough hours in the day to be doing all the things I want to be doing as a business owner and a Mom.  Finding that balance between running the business and running the household is often a challenge.
What did you do in your past work life? 

I am a pediatric physical therapist, and my profession helped me quite a bit in designing the Magic Sleepsuit.  I saw that it worked as a Mom, but as a pediatric physical therapist, it made sense to be why it work from a physiological perspective.
What have been some of your major successes?  

We have received media coverage on television shows and in magazines, and we've been to a celebrity gifting suite prior to the Golden Globes.  We've received endorsements from physicians, and have partnered with very well-known sleep expert, Kim West (The Sleep Lady).  Our business has grown very rapidly with the majority of our growth being from parents telling other parents about the Magic Sleepsuit.  I am very proud of all these accomplishments, but the most gratifying part of my business is knowing that my product is helping babies (and parents) sleep better.  I love getting emails and calls from customers thanking me and sharing how much the Magic Sleepsuit has helped them - that is best part!  
What have been some of your major challenges?  

As I mentioned above, finding the right manufacturer is not the easiest process.  And, just finding enough time to do everything I want to be doing to grow the business can be a challenge. 
On those impossible days, what motivates you to keep going?  

My kids and family are always my greatest motivation for anything in my life.  But, more specific to my business, is knowing that the Magic Sleepsuit is really making a difference for so many parents - that keeps me going.  I think when you have a product that you truly believe in and that you feel others can benefit from, it makes it much easier to stay motivated.
What is your balancing secret in managing a business and family?  

I actually don't have a secret, but sure could use one!  The balancing act is a constant struggle.  I certainly need to delegate more, which is sometimes hard to do being so immersed in my company, and my family! 
What is next for your business?   

We plan to continue to grow our company, and soon have the Magic Sleepsuit available in many retailers from smaller shops to larger scale retail chains.  We also plan to offer more products in the "Magic Sleepsuit Line". 
Do you have any advice for other mom entrepreneurs that are starting out and struggling, or are on the fence about starting a business?  

I would advise them to do a lot of research to make sure their product or service will have place in the market.  Then, if it is something they truly believe in, my advice would be to persist and move forward, but to have patience because it always takes longer than you think.  But if you truly believe in what you are doing, it will be well worth it!


  1. I sing to my granddaughter and rock her to sleep after she is swaddled in her favorite blanket.

  2. My son liked to be swaddled. I would hold him in my arms and rock him. I'm currently pregnant with my second.

  3. Swaddling works like a charm. I'd love to try this suit out to see if it works too!

    edz.mels at yahoo dot com

  4. A soothing technique that has worked has been singing to the little one and rocking her to sleep!

    couponsarefun at gmail dot com

  5. Swaddling is the winner for all of my kids. Although rocking in the rocking chair works as well while rubbing their backs.

    wiseowldesignsinc at gmail dot com

  6. Swaddling is heartwarming for everyone involved.
