
Monday, May 30, 2011

Spotlight on Mommy -- Eula M. Young-Guest of Griot's Roll Film Production & Service Inc. (Discount and Giveaway)

This week I wanted to introduce you to Eula Young-Guest of Griot's Roll Film Production. Griot's Roll provides, video production, video marketing, video editing, video consulting and web distribution services.  This is a must have for any mom entrepreneur looking to take their businesses to the next level or provide additional exposure.   

In addition to my interview below, be sure to scroll down to the bottom for a special coupon for 10% of select services through Griot's Roll Film Production, as well as a giveaway for a 1-hr. social media consultation from Eula, valued at over $150.00.


Name:  Eula M. Young-Guest
Company Name/Product/Service: Griot's Roll Film Production and Services Inc. 
Company Location: New York, New York
Company Website:
Facebook URL:!/Griots
Twitter Handle: @ griotsroll
Age of Company:  7 years old
Favorite Inspirational Quotes:  "Every Day Above Ground is a Good Day"
Favorite Book: Down to Business: The First 10 Steps to Entrepreneurship for Women by Ms. Clara Villarosa

Tell us a little bit about yourself.  How many children do you have?  What are their ages? Your hobbies? Etc

I have three daughters, Monique (28), Sasha (24) and Shassee (10).  I have 7 grandchildren Jordan, Jaydan, Jayda, Ruben, Deavonne, Deaonna (twins), and Leo the youngest.  I am married to my business partner, Derrick M. Guest.  My hobbies are spending time with my grandchildren.  Volunteering in my 10 year old school on the Leadership Team and Parents Association.  I am truly busy and loving it.  

Briefly explain your business.  How did it come about?  

Griot's Roll was started in 2004.  We shoot business, lectures, conferences, networking events etc.  we take that video and either place it on our clients website, social media pages and or on a site such as You-tube to track the video.  This information is very valuable to our clients it helps them advertise their products, services and events and also helps the client learn if they are targeting the market that they want to reach.  My husband Derrick M. Guest, a play-wrote, director and producer wanted to start his own production company, so he left his city job for entrepreneurial-ship. We haven't turned back since.  I did the research for the business plan, wrote the business plan and we've updates three times since then.  

What is a typical work day like? 

I usually get up between 5:00 am - 7:00 am depending on the project and call time.  Check e-mails to see if anything has changed over night.  Make sure that the crew is ready and know where they are going to go.  Derrick checks the equipment to make sure that everything is ready.  He goes to the shoot, I usually stay at the office.  When he is out the door, get our daughter ready for school, take her to school.  At the school for a parents association fund raising meeting until 11:00 am.  Go to the gym work out for about an hour.  Go home, answer e-mails, make telephone call, this is the time I usually call people that I've met at networking and business events.  Go on my social media site add content.  Answer e-mails from those sites.  Add announcement, press release, events on all our pages over 30 pages right now.   When my daughter gets home, I'm usually in business mode, her father check her homework, while I'm working on content.  I'm out the door going to an panel discussion where I am one of the guest speakers.  Topic: Effective Media and Social Media Marketing.  Get home around 9:00 pm.  Put my daughter to bed.  Get to bed around 10:00 pm - 11:00 to start all over again.
What has been a struggle while starting up your company?  

The struggle was not anticipating how long it would take before our business was well know.  Not understanding how much marketing and advertising you have to do for your business.  

What did you do in your past work life?  

I was a Administrative Assistant, Secretary, Support Staff.

What have been some of your major successes?  

Winning the 2011 British Airways Face of Opportunities Video Contest.  Going to the British Airways one day conference in New York City and the British Airways two day conference in London, England.  British Airways flew us out to London on an networking plane, that was fantastic.  I enjoy meeting people from all over the United States and networking.  Speaking on panels and meeting other women business owners.  Last but not least when we won our first city contract.  

What have been some of your major challenges? 

Building our brand and having the time to balance, family, friends and the business.  It was very hard missing major events in our families to go do a project.  Production business is not a 9-5 business we are on call during a project until that project is done and given to the client.  

On those impossible days, what motivates you to keep going?  

Knowing that we are doing something that we love doing.  

What is your balancing secret in managing a business and family?  

Time management.  I cook many meals on the weekend and freeze them so I know my family is having a well balanced meal.  I try my best to make a date night with my husband.  Have a mother daughter day with my youngest and spend time with my older daughters and my grands.  I  put blocks of time on my blackberry for my family, this week I will only work this amount of hours.  It helps that the schools give you a calendar so you know what their schedule is like and I make it work around my daughters, husband and business. 

What is next for your business?  

Opening up an office in London, Canada and Georgia.  Moving into a commercial space or building a commercial space for the business. 

Do you have any advice for other mom entrepreneurs that are starting out and struggling, or are on the fence about starting a business?  

Being a super woman is a myth you can't do everything all the time.  You need help and know when and how to ask for help.  If you don't you will burn out and quickly.  You have to make time for yourself away from the business, children, husband.   Even with all the struggles if I had to do it all over again I would become an entrepreneur again.  Very satisfying and rewarding.   Before you leave your day job, save, save, save for that business and plan for marketing budget, plan for the unexpected, plan for insurance and plan for things that you didn't expert i.e. equipment breaking down, have a back up files for your computer, save important documents at another site other then your office just in case they get damaged you'll have a back up.   Work smart not harder.  

Special Offer for Inspired by Savannah Readers:  

Exposes your business to the world, and Increases your profits!

Griot's Roll will give you 10% off your on-line video marketing services packages. Three Web Videos from your choices of events, products, or services that you want to promote for the rest of 2011. Now you can have continued video advertising that will increases your sales through the year of 2011. To Receive this offer, you must use coupon code "GRmommy3118312011".  Please note this coupon code is only valid until August 31, 2011, so act fact to take advantage of this great offer, thanks to Eula.

Griot's Roll limits one coupon per company, nontransferable.  May not be combined with any other coupon or specials.  Coupon must be surrendered on day of purchase.  No copies/facsimiles.  No cash/credit back.   Clients must sign agreement for Web videos for this on going services to be valid. This discount does not include duplication services.  


One lucky Inspired by Savannah reader will win an hour of free social media marketing consultation services an value of $150.00, with Eula.  To enter, please complete the MANDATORY ENTRY first, and then as many EXTRA ENTRIES as you like.  Make sure to include your email address with each comment, so that I can contact you if you win.


How have you used social media to help promote your business?  Has it worked?


(Please leave separate entries for each, along with your email address)

1) Subscribe to my blog via email (2 entries)

2) Follow me on Facebook (1 entry)

3) Enter any of my other giveaways, leaving a comment with the name of the giveaway (1entry per giveaway entered)

4) Blog about this giveaway. It must include a link to this specific post, as well as a link to my blog, (In your comment, please leave a link directly to your post – 5 Entries)

5) Follow me on Twitter (1entry)

6) Tweet about this giveaway (1 entry per tweet, per day; please include link to tweet in comment below)

Enter to 1 hour social media consult @
griotsroll @rmccoy1234 #giveaway (Ends 6/17)

7) Like my Inspired by Savannah Facebook Fan Page! Please include your Facebook name with your entry, so I can follow you back. (4 entries)

8) Follow my blog via Networked Blogs (3 entries)

9) Vote for me on picket fence blogs (See button on right side of blog -- One entry per vote, per day)

Open to US residents only. Giveaway ends on June 17, 2011 at 11:59PM EST. I will then use to choose a winner. Winner will have 48 hrs. to respond to my email to claim prize. If I don't hear back from selected winner, I will draw another winner

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