Monday, April 4, 2011
Spotlight on Mommy -- Natascia Carr of Little Carr, LLC/Cover-Me Strap
This week I want to introduce you to Natascia Carr, creator of the Cover-Me Strap. If you are a new mom like me, or know someone who is expecting or currently breastfeeding, you should check out Natascia's Cover-Me Strap. What I love most about this product is that is has many uses, including nursing cover clip, bib clip, sun blocker, blanket keeper and much more. But, before I share more about the Cover-Me Strap, I wanted to spotlight Natascia. Below is my interview with her.
And, on Friday, head back here to learn more about this amazing product in my Feature Friday post. I will be offering one lucky reader a chance to win a Cover-Me Strap of their own, as well as providing a coupon code to all readers.
Name: Natascia Carr
Company Name/Product/Service: Little Carr, LLC / Cover-Me Strap
Company Location: North Carolina
Company Website:
Facebook URL: CoverMeStrap
Twitter Handle: @ CoverMeStrap
Age of Company: 4 yrs.
Favorite Inspirational Quotes: I have so many...really any quote that encourages a person to try something and not fear failure, because you just never know when you'll succeed.
Favorite Book: Pride and Prejudice -- Jane Austen
Tell us a little bit about yourself. How many children do you have? What are their ages? Your hobbies? Etc.:
I have 3 children: 9, 5, and 2. When my first child was born, I thought I wanted to continue to be a business woman. I had him in day care and because my husband deployed a lot, I would often have to fly my mother-in-law or my mom out to San Diego to babysit because I was working such long hours. I continued working full-time until my middle child was 18 months, then my husband and I decided it was time to dedicate my resources to taking care of our growing family and growing my new business. How fortunate I am that we were able to make that transition.
Briefly explain your business. How did it come about?:
One afternoon I was nursing my daughter at a park and just couldn't manage to keep her blanket draped over my shoulder. I shoved the corners of her blanket under my bra straps in an attempt to lock it in place to keep us covered, but it wouldn't stay put. I was fidgeting and my daughter was growing ever more frustrated when I thought.....why isn't there a strap to keep blankets in place? I wanted a strap that was sturdy, sporty, stylish, and would work. After finding the hardware and hiring a seamstress to make one for me to use, I realized that there was definitely a market and moms everywhere would love the Cover-Me!
What is a typical work day like?:
Inventory reports are due for one of our retailers every morning, so that's the first thing I do. Then I take care of our family....pack lunches, make breakfast, get the two older children to school. I have my phone on me at all times and check email during the morning, but I try to not really sit at the computer or fill orders while our youngest child is awake. First he's an active 2 year old and second, one time when I filled orders for Amazon, he put his Lightening McQueen race car in one of the boxes. Thank goodness I jiggled the box at the UPS center as I was able to retrieve the car before the order was sent. I work during nap time and then again after the children are in bed. Unfortunately it means that my evenings are very long and I usually work right up until I go to bed. I wouldn't change it for the world though. I don't have a favorite TV show because I don't watch TV, but I do enjoy my days with my children playing!
What has been a struggle while starting up your company?:
My biggest struggle is finding balance, its hard working from home, because I never feel like I really have down time. There never seems to be a time that everything is done and I can really just sit back and relax.
What did you do in your past work life?:
I'm a CPA
What have been some of your major successes?:
The Cover-Me was successfully patented in August 2010. We are so excited about that!
What have been some of your major challenges?:
My major challenges have been finding the best way to market the Cover-Me. I fell for a few marketing scams early on that I really learned from. Now, I really try to use social media and mom blogs to spread the word about the Cover-Me.
On those impossible days, what motivates you to keep going?:
My husband and children are my motivation every day.
What is your balancing secret in managing a business and family?:
I'm not really sure, it seems like every day is a new balancing act! I just try to deal with the highest priority first and take deep breaths.
What is next for your business?:
.....that's a big secret.
Do you have any advice for other mom entrepreneurs that are starting out and struggling, or are on the fence about starting a business?:
Being a mom entrepreneur is the hardest job I've ever had. I never really have a day off and have no idea what's on prime time TV. However, I wouldn't change my life a bit. I own a company that supports moms who want to breastfeed -- how awesome is that! I'm home for my children and there isn't anything better than that! I have had many moments where I've been ready to sell all my inventory and call it quits, but I know that nothing worthwhile in life is easy. So pick your passions and give it your all!
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