
Monday, April 25, 2011

Spotlight on Mommy -- Lorri Schneider, creator of the Hug-A-Bib and Clippy Cloth

Just last month I featured the Hug-A-Bib and Clippy Cloth in my Virtual Baby Shower Gift Giving Guide.  If you missed my review/post, click here to read it now.  Today, I wanted to take a few minutes of your time and share my interview with the creator of the Hug-A-Bib and Clippy Cloth, Lorri Schneider.  Like I said in my review of her products, these make great baby shower gifts and are so cute.

And, now here is my interview with Lorri.  Enjoy!

Name:  Lorri Schneider 
Company Name/Product/Service:  ALLEA Enterprises, Makers of Hug-A-Bib and Clippy Cloth
Company Location: 29548 Southfield Rd., Ste 100, Southfield, MI 48076 

Company Website: 
Facebook URL: 
Twitter Handle: @ HugabibDesigner 
Age of Company:  5 years, products have been for sale since 10/09 
Favorite Inspirational Quotes:  
"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." -- Henry Ford 
"Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck." -- Dalai Lama  --  These help me keep things in perspective 
Favorite Book:  Phantom but Susan Kay.  She takes the Gaston Laroux Phantom of the Opera and expounds on it.  You get inside the Phantoms head and understand why he was how he was.  Really worth reading.  

Tell us a little bit about yourself.  How many children do you have?   

What are their ages? Your hobbies? Etc.   I have 2 daughters, grown now, 25 and 20 (how did they get older and I didn’t?) The 25 yr old is studying to be an elementary school teacher, the 20 yr old has been to beautician school and is now in university studying business.  My hobbies are reading and the computer.  I have designed all my websites and am learning all I can about SEO and anything else I find I need to know at any given minute.  I love the internet!
Briefly explain your business.  How did it come about?  

When my youngest was born she had severe GERD and spit up all the time.  I made these out of frustration with what was available on the market.  After my mother died I found one of my makeshift bibs in her things and realized that they were still needed and that nothing like them existed.  So I redesigned them (using new, improved Velcro), filed patents and had them made.
What is a typical work day like?

I work full time for my husband in his bankruptcy law firm as his paralegal and office manager and do my business in every spare minute I can grab.  Mostly I have been working on getting the website SEO’d so I show up in the generic search listings and trying to find new ways to get my products out to the market.
What has been a struggle while starting up your company?   

Money.  Sad, but true.  I used the money my mother left me to get them made and do the initial advertising. This was Christmas 2009.  I spent over 15k advertising in baby publications thinking I would have a great response and sell tons over that Christmas.  Unfortunately, I learned the hard way that print advertising is dead. 
What did you do in your past work life?  

I spent years in retail management and in management in general.  After my divorce, while my kids were young I worked as a substitute teacher to give me the ability to be home when they were.
What have been some of your major successes?  

When I did that print advertising one of the magazines reviewed the items and loved them.  The review they wrote really made my day.  That was my first “review” from an expert and it rocked!  It is posted on my website at  (too bad I didn’t get any sales from it lol)
What have been some of your major challenges?  

The learning curve is so steep and most everything I am doing I have never done before.  So much of what I am doing is outside my comfort zone so I spend a lot of time overcoming fear lol 
On those impossible days, what motivates you to keep going?   

Some days it is really hard, but I look at my loyal customers and fans who love my things.  I have one in particular in Illinois who even sent me suggestions of stores to approach to get my things in her neighborhood.  I am, even now, working up the strength to cold call them LOL
What is your balancing secret in managing a business and family?   

Always putting family first.  I spend a lot of weekends working on my business and my daughters have always known if they need me for something I am there.  I can always get back to work but I can’t get back memories I miss.
What is next for your business?  

I am working on getting my toddler size made.  I have the finished prototype (which is awesome!) just need a manufacturer who is affordable.
Do you have any advice for other mom entrepreneurs that are starting out and struggling, or are on the fence about starting a business?   

Just do it.  I have heard so many people say that if they knew how hard it was going to be they might not have done it.  That’s sad.  Yes, it has been hard BUT I have learned so much and had fun and every happy customer I hear from just makes it all that much more rewarding.  

1 comment:

  1. This product sounds cute and useful. I really like the questions and answers thanks for sharing.
    heather [email protected]
