
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mother's Day Gift Giving Guide: I Want You to Know Me ... Love, Mom -- Review

Are you looking for a memorable gift idea for Mother's Day?  Why not pick up a book in the I Want You to Know Me... series.  This series makes it possible for family members and friends to create lasting connections and memories through a series of questions, which a person fills out about themselves.  

So, what types of questions are in the book?:

Examples of questions include:

What size shoes do you wear?

Are you right-handed or left-handed?

What’s your favorite smell?

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Is your second toe longer that your big toe?

Can you roll your R’s?

If you have dimples, where are they?

What is your favorite dessert?

Can you answer the above questions about your mother?  Wouldn't it be a great keepsake to have a book with these types of questions personally answered by your mother, so that you can share with your children and look at down the road when you want to be reminded of your mother?  

I think this book series is a great idea.  I just wished it was around when my maternal grandmother was alive.  She passed away just before I was born and I don't know anything about her, and only know of how she looks from a few photos my mother kept through the years.  I wonder if she had similar quirks, likes and dislikes as myself or my mother?  

Do you have a loved know with early stage Alzheimer's?  This would make a great keepsake that you can complete with them, while they are sharp.  As time goes by, we forget how loved ones who have passed sounded like, smelled like, etc.  With the help of the I Want You to Know Me series, you can relive memories and remember important things about these loved ones.

So, with Mother's Day around the corner, why not invest in the I Want You to Know Me...Love, Mom book and create a lasting memory that will be treasured for years to come.  You will become closer with your mother as you both share her responses and talk about how similar or different you both are.  Who could ask for a better gift than this?  Click here to order now, for only $14.95.  Make sure to use coupon code "mom" at checkout to receive FREE SHIPPING (a savings of $4.50) for Inspired by Savannah readers.

Disclosure:  I was sent a copy of this book in order to write up a honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.

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