
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Children's Book Review: Mommy Brings Home the Bacon by Nikki Mark

  • Hardcover: 32 pages
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1453832416
  • ISBN-13: 978-1453832417
Buy now at Amazon for only $14.99.


Mommy Brings Home the Bacon” is a heartwarming children’s book that explores the touching relationship between a young boy and his working mom. Told from the young boy’s perspective, the whimsical narrative reflects a child’s imaginative interpretation of why mommy goes to work, and the beautiful bond that develops as a result. Bringing simplicity and lightheartedness to an emotional topic, “Mommy Brings Home the Bacon” fosters a child’s appreciation for a working mother, while simultaneously easing the minds of moms who balance the difficult responsibilities of financially supporting their household and raising the children they so dearly love.

My Review:

4.5 stars out of 5

I stumbled across another book that deals with parents having to work, while their children go to school.  This books deals with a mother having to go to work and a son asking why.  He doesn't understand why his mother can't stay home during the week, and each Sunday night he gets sad when his mom tells him she has to leave him and go to work the next day -- and, bring home the bacon.  The boy goes to school and finds out that some of his other friends' moms go to work and bring home the bacon, too.  But, none of them know where the "bacon" is, as they never see it.  This is a cute and fun story to read to your child(ren) and let them know that while they are having fun at school and with their friends, that moms have to work to, in order to "bring home the bacon." 

I love the illustrations here and the reference to "bacon" and the children thinking that when moms say this, that they are talking about food.  In the end, the son thinks his dog is eating the bacon, as he never sees it.  This book will sure bring a smile to both yours and your child's faces, as you read this book together.  It will help ease the sadness when Sunday night comes around and your children want to know why you have to leave and go to work, and not be with them.

About the Author:

Balancing her roles as Executive Vice President of Operations for a 3000-employee hospitality company and raising two children, Nikki Mark is intimately familiar with the challenges and rewards of being a working mom.

Passionate about reading books to her children, Nikki was driven to pen “Mommy Brings Home the Bacon” for her young boys after quickly realizing how few stories covered the subject of working mothers.  Nikki was born and raised in Los Angeles and currently resides in her hometown with her husband, children and rescue dog found at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

She holds her MBA from the Thunderbird School of Global Management and a BA in Communications from the University of California Santa Barbara.

Disclosure:  I was sent a copy of this book in order to write up an honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.

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