
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Children's Book Review: Beautiful Blue Eyes by Marianne Richmond

Format:  Hardcover
Publish Date:  April 2011
ISBN-10:  1402256396
ISBN-13:  9781402256394
List Price:  $15.99


A child's eyes truly tell wonders, revealing personality, thoughts and feelings of the heart. Beautiful Blue Eyes, a sweet story with engaging illustrations, celebrates the unique spirit of the blue-eyed boy or girl.

I watched, and I waited
as your eyes chose their hue,
deciding in time
on their beautiful blue.
Blue as a butterfly wing
or the sparkly sea.
Blue as the birdy
singing in her tree.

My Review:

4.5 stars out of 5

If you have a son or daughter with beautiful blue eyes, this is a must have book to pick up and share with them.  Even though Savannah has brown eyes, it was a treat to read this beautifully written and illustrated book to her.  I loved the underlying message of the book, in which it captures the true essence of the relationship between a parent and child, and how a parent always know what is happening.  Telling this story through the eyes of a blue-eyed child, we learn about their uniqueness and personality.  Each child, no matter what color their eyes is unique and experiences the wonders of the world in their own unique way, but this story does a great job in capturing these emotions through a lovely story and illustrations.

About the Author/Illustrator:

Marianne Richmond started her own greeting card company (Marianne Richmond Studios, Inc.) and has become a recognized creator of numerous books that celebrate milestones in life, memorable journeys, and relationships.  Since her first book in 1997, Gift of An Angel, writer and artist Marianne Richmond has touched the lives of millions over the past decade through her line of greeting cards and gift books.

Disclosure:  I was sent a copy of this book by Sourcebooks in order to write up an honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.

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