Last week I featured Tisha Linn's Picky Sticky products. If you missed my review/feature, click here to read it now. Don't forget to enter my giveaway for a package of Picky Sticky onesie milestone stickers going on now. You can enter by going to the Virtual Baby Shower feature post.
Now you know a little about Picky Sticky, why not take a few minutes to read my Spotlight on Mommy interview with the creator, Tisha Linn. Enjoy!
Name: Tisha Linn
Company Name/Product/Service: Picky Sticky, Watch Me Grow stickers
Company Location: Sammamish, Washington
Company Website:
Age of Company: 2 years
Favorite Inspirational Quotes: Live your life today, your never promised tomorrow.
Favorite Book: Eat, Pray, Love
Tell us a little bit about yourself. How many children do you have? What are their ages? Your hobbies? Etc.
I have two littles, Talon (5) Macy (2), they are what makes me tick!
I have two littles, Talon (5) Macy (2), they are what makes me tick!
Briefly explain your business. How did it come about?
The idea for Picky Sticky started with my daughter Macy, each month since Macy was born I printed a sheet of paper that stated her current age, sat it next to her and took a picture. By the time Macy was 4 months old she kept grabbing and knocking it over, it was hard to get a good shot by the 5 month it seemed impossible. So late one while tossing and turning the idea a decal came like a flash and Picky Sticky was born. At the end of the year we had a fun collection of pictures that really showed how much Macy changed in just one year.
The stickers look like they are part of the t-shirt and give the feel of a custom shirt. Decals for children commemorate "month days" and "Birthdays" and decals available for pregnant mothers honor the weekly milestones of pregnancy.
The stickers look like they are part of the t-shirt and give the feel of a custom shirt. Decals for children commemorate "month days" and "Birthdays" and decals available for pregnant mothers honor the weekly milestones of pregnancy.
What is a typical work day like?
I try to get most of my work day done before my family wakes when possible. If I am able to process all the orders before the first little feet hit the floor that makes for a great day! If that doesn’t happen I sneak in emails and processing during an episode of Super Why or Dora. So to say I can get a lot done is far from the truth. Evenings after the kids are in bed are spent cutting and packaging .
What has been a struggle while starting up your company?
Selling a product that never existed before was the biggest challenge. Trying to figure out how to get it out so people would know what it was has been our biggest challenge.
What did you do in your past work life?
I was an Interior Designer, my main focus was designing model homes for Builders.
What have been some of your major successes?
Working with bloggers has been amazing, the positive response we get from their perspective couldn’t be better. We love out blogging families.
What have been some of your major challenges?
Focusing on family first, there are so many things that I’ve wanted to do with Picky Sticky, but keeping my priority straight that my kids come first can be hard when you want a business to succeed.
On those impossible days, what motivates you to keep going?
Being able to run a business on my terms has always been a dream, so when things are not going so well I remember the days spent in long pointless meetings as an employee and that perks me right up!
What is your balancing secret in managing a business and family?
Family first! I keep that in mind and the rest seems to fall into place.
What is next for your business?
We have lots of new ideas in the works we want to be able to grow with our clients.
Great post I love reading and learning about new business owners.