
Monday, March 14, 2011

Spotlight on Mommy -- Pam Brooks-Crump, Author of Mia Inspired! A Caterpillar at a Crossroad

A couple weeks ago I featured Pam's book, Mia Inspired!  A Caterpillar at a Crossroad in a product review and giveaway.  Click here if you missed it.  Now, I wanted to share with you all my Spotlight Mommy interview with the author and mother of 3, Pam Brooks-Crump.  Enjoy!

Name: Pam Brooks-Crump
Company Name/Product/Service: Pam Brooks-Crump, Inc/ Mia Inspired! A Caterpillar at a Crossroad/Writer & Illustrator
Company Location: Atlanta, GA
Company Website:
Facebook URL:!/pam.brookscrump
Twitter Handle: @miainspired
Age of Company: 2 years
Favorite Book: Mine of course! And  for kids, The Hungry Caterpillar.  For adults, I loved Eat, Pray, Love.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.:

I am a stay at home mom with a new in home career- of writing and illustrating children's books! I just last week celebrated my 24th anniversary with my husband whom I met while studying in Mexico!

How many children do you have?

I have 3 children 18,15, and 11; the oldest is a senior in high school a girl and the boys are in 10th and 6th grades.

Your hobbies? Etc. 

I have a black belt in Tae Kwon do, I love to scuba dive and love to hike in the north GA. Mountains
Briefly explain your business.  How did it come about? 

2 Years ago, I felt a strong calling to ask within what I was wanting to do with the extra time that I had as my children were getting older. I took a 10 week seminar in manifesting what you are wanting in your life.  From doing the assignment of this course, I got a very laser sharp message to "illustrate the book".  This was surreal for me because 5 years previous, I had gotten the same message and I said, "Wrong number!"  I was not an artist or a writer!  I was 16 years previous in International Banking with an MBA!  However when I heard this message for the 2nd time, I listened and followed the guidance.  Guess what I am an artist and a writer!!
What is a typical work day like? 

I first am a mom to my three children, so there are days when I have only a few hours dispersed here and there during the day to work on my book.  Usually, during the weekend when we are not in soccer season, I can work a stretch of 5 hours a one time.  I love the flexibility of having my own company, so that I can decide when and what I want to do.

What has been a struggle while starting up your company?

I have found that when I listen to Inner Guidance and let go of the "should's and "have toos," life and work flow! I am learning a completely new industry, so I have to remind myself I was not born knowing everything!

What did you do in your past work life? 

International Banking then real estate in NYC and business management in the home building industry.

What have been some of your major successes? 

Creating this book!

What have been some of your major challenges? 

Balancing family/biz/personal growth

On those impossible days, what motivates you to keep going? 

My acceptability partners-spiritual, emotional and business!
What is your balancing secret in managing a business and family? 

Doing the next right thing for the moment.  Not getting all caught up in the way future.

What is next for your business?

I am now ready to share the message of this book to children and their caregivers everywhere!
Do you have any advice for other mom entrepreneurs that are starting out and struggling, or are on the fence about starting a business?

Get a good support network of entrepreneurs that will help you with connections and accountability.

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