
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Red in the Flower Bed by Andrea Nepa -- Book Review and E-Book Giveaway


And, the winner is:

Congrats to: Sophieandmomma

  • Reading level: Ages 4-8
  • Paperback: 28 pages
  • Publisher: Tribute Books (December 12, 2008)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0981461999
  • ISBN-13: 978-0981461991
Read an excerpt here.


The journey of adoption is beautifully depicted with the comforting imagery of a poppy flower who is welcomed into a garden family. It is a charming story of "seeds" being planted in the perfect place - exactly where they belong. Children and adults will enjoy this simple yet meaningful story and homespun illustrations. The book's loving approach helps children to understand adoption. Andrea Nepa has captured the essence of adoption and family, and has illustrated it beautifully with images and poetry that even a small child can comprehend and enjoy.

My Review:

5 stars out of 5

What a charming book about interracial adoption, Red in the Flower Bed is.  This rhyming children's storybook follows a seed that is dropped by a poppy flower, and winds up in a family garden.  From there, through nurturing and love, it grows into a confident and beautiful red Poppy. 

The illustrations in this book are simply amazing.  They blend with the text and allow readers to truly find beauty in the red Poppy. 

People who adopt are special people.  They look beyond age and race, and only see the child for what they are -- in need of a loving family.  They open their homes and hearts and accept these children as their own.  Andrea is just one of these special people.  It is nice how she created this book, in honor of her adopted daughter, Leah.  What a great way to share this special gift in life, through the use of a beautiful flower.  If you have adopted a child, this is a great book to share with your little angel. 


Get your copy of Andrea's book today at Tribute Books for only $12.95 (hard copy).  Other formats are also available.

About the Author:

Andrea Nepa is the mother of an adopted Vietnamese daughter named Leah. In 2001, Adoptions from the Heart assisted with the international adoption. Andrea dedicated her book to her daughter: "For my dear Leah, whose journey in her young life has already taken her to far away and unexpected places." In 2006, Leah was diagnosed with cancer. She is currently in remission. Andrea lives with Leah and her husband, David, in Haddonfield, New Jersey. She is a registered dietitian for the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Follow Andrea on Facebook.


Andrea will kindly send one lucky reader an e-copy of her book, Red in the Flower Bed.  To enter, please complete the MANDATORY ENTRY, and then as many EXTRA ENTRIES as you like.  Make sure to include your email address with each comment, so that I can contact you if you win.

MANDATORY ENTRY -- Vote for Inspired by Savannah in the 2011 Start Up Nation Leading Moms in Business Contest.  Cast your vote here.


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6) Tweet about this giveaway (1 entry per tweet, per day; please include link to tweet in comment below)

Enter to #win an E-Book of Red in the Flower Bed by Andrea Nepa #giveaway (Ends 3/18)

7) Like my
Inspired by Savannah Facebook Fan Page! Please include your Facebook name with your entry, so I can follow you back. (4 entries)

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9) Vote for me on picket fence blogs (See button on right side of blog -- One entry per vote, per day)

Open to US and Canadian residents only. Giveaway ends on March 18, 2011 at 11:59PM EST. I will then use to choose a winner. Winner will have 48 hrs. to respond to my email to claim prize. If I don't hear back from selected winner, I will draw another winner 

Disclosure:  I was sent an e-book version of this book to read, in order to write an honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.


  1. Robin - thank you for the 5 out of 5 star review and for hosting an ebook giveaway. We really appreciate your support of "Red in the Flower Bed."

  2. No problem. The book was great. Keep me posted if you have additional books you need help spreading the word about.

  3. Voted for you for the business contest! :)
    n.snaer at gmail dot com

  4. I follow you on twitter
    n.snaer at gmail dot com

  5. voted for you on picket fence blogs
    n.snaer at gmail dot com

  6. I fanned your facebook page! :)
    n.snaer at gmail dot com

    Nathania goforth

  7. I subscribed to your blog via email
    n.snaer at gmail dot com

  8. I subscribed to your blog via email
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  9. I entered menu for the week giveaway
    n.snaer at gmail dot com
