· Paperback: 144 pages
· Publisher: Franklin Green (January 30, 2011)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 0982638787
· ISBN-13: 978-0982638781
Like most parents, we tell our children that we love them and we believe that speaking those words will translate into our children to continue loving themselves. We believe that if something is said over and over again it will gain validity and that our children would then internalize that “I love you” and from that create self-love.
Self-love is not the same as being self-centered, egotistical, self-righteousness or narcissistic.What would it look like to have a generation of children that practiced self-love? They would be caring and loving towards others as well as themselves. Being able to “love others as ourselves” or as the Bible says ” love your neighbor as yourself” comes from practicing self-love. They would appreciate their talents and be accepting of who they are. By being accepting and compassionate towards themselves, they can in turn be the same towards their friends, classmates, siblings, and parents. Their self-worth or high self-esteem becomes a by-product of their self-love.
This is the perfect book for moms and moms-to-be – teaching your children to love themselves. According to Dr. Andie, these steps can be the antidote to some of the societal problems that we are seeing in our children – cyber bullying, sexting, drug abuse, violence, even suicide. Children who love themselves make better choices for themselves and demonstrate empathy, consideration and kindliness towards others
My Review:
5 stars out of 5
Being a new parent, I have been reading all different parenting books. I have to say this book is one of my favorite's. More Than Saying I Love You is Dr. Andie's 18-year journey of teaching self-love to her daughter, Aly. I love how each chapter begins with a love letter to Aly. By doing this, you feel like Dr. Andie is trying to share her personal experiences of raising her daughter, and wants to help you teach self-love to your children. At times, I felt like Dr. Andie was talking directly to me in the book. It is always nice to have books written like this, as you are more prone to relate or take advice that are given. I loved hearing about Dr. Andi and Aly's childhood memories, including "yellow hair and college. Dr. Andi breaks down her teaching of self-love into 4 easy-to-understand and implement steps. Each step is well defined and comes with exercises to practice them. And, at the end of each chapter, the reader is presented with a chapter summary broken down into bullet points, known as "heartfelt points."
The four major steps discussed in this book include:
By following each of these steps, your children will the importance of self love, and as a result have a better self esteem and self image, and make better choices.
I would highly recommend this book for parents (including new and expectant parents). After reading about the crazy "Tiger Mom" lately, it is nice to see Dr. Andi sharing the importance of self-love. My husband and I will definitely be applying Dr. Andi's practices in raising Savannah.
My Review:
5 stars out of 5
Being a new parent, I have been reading all different parenting books. I have to say this book is one of my favorite's. More Than Saying I Love You is Dr. Andie's 18-year journey of teaching self-love to her daughter, Aly. I love how each chapter begins with a love letter to Aly. By doing this, you feel like Dr. Andie is trying to share her personal experiences of raising her daughter, and wants to help you teach self-love to your children. At times, I felt like Dr. Andie was talking directly to me in the book. It is always nice to have books written like this, as you are more prone to relate or take advice that are given. I loved hearing about Dr. Andi and Aly's childhood memories, including "yellow hair and college. Dr. Andi breaks down her teaching of self-love into 4 easy-to-understand and implement steps. Each step is well defined and comes with exercises to practice them. And, at the end of each chapter, the reader is presented with a chapter summary broken down into bullet points, known as "heartfelt points."
The four major steps discussed in this book include:
· Creating internal appreciation
· Instilling empathetic acceptance
· Embracing truth or consequences
· Living loving kindness
By following each of these steps, your children will the importance of self love, and as a result have a better self esteem and self image, and make better choices.
I would highly recommend this book for parents (including new and expectant parents). After reading about the crazy "Tiger Mom" lately, it is nice to see Dr. Andi sharing the importance of self-love. My husband and I will definitely be applying Dr. Andi's practices in raising Savannah.
Dr. Andrea Weiner has her doctorate in education and is a child therapist who has concentrated her research on children's social and emotional well-being for the past 25 years. Her first book The Best Investment: Unlocking the Secrets of Social Success in Your Child has been praised by parents and educators. She is a frequent guest on television and radio talk shows and popular speaker.
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Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in order to provide an honest review. My views above are mine and mine alone.
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