
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dr. Sears Zone Diet -- It's As Easy As 1-2-3

I recently had the opportunity to try out the Fast Track Zone 1-2-3 Diet.  Below is more information on the program, as well as my review.

What Makes the Zone Diet Different from Other Diet Programs Out There?:

Healthy weight loss requires complete nutrition. 

To achieve complete nutrition through healthy weight loss you must supply your body with the essential nutrients it cannot make on a daily basis.
You need essential amino acids.
Zone Foods supply all the protein you need in your diet. The dramatic reduction in hunger is a consequence of the presence of Zone Protein that is only possible with our patented baking technology. Now you can eat the foods you like to eat knowing they are rich in essential amino acids balanced with the correct amount of carbohydrate to control hunger. If you aren’t hungry, then cutting back on calories is easy.

 You need essential fatty acids.

Increasing your intake of essential omega-3 fatty acids in your diet is critical to reduce cellular inflammation in your fat cells as well as every other cell in the body. OmegaRx® is the highest purity source of omega-3 fatty acids with or without a prescription. OmegaRx® makes is easier to release stored fat for energy conversion. In essence, you will burn fat even faster. Four OmegaRx® capsules supply the same amount of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids as 4 ounces of wild Alaska salmon

You need essential polyphenols.

Polyphenols are the chemicals that give fruits and vegetables their color and can’t be made by the body. They also protect essential omega-3 fatty acids from oxidation and help inhibit the genetic master switch that turns on cellular inflammation, which is the underlying cause of weight gain. Each capsule of Zone Polyphenols supplies the same amount of polyphenols as eating 10 servings of vegetables

Achieve Complete Nutrition with the Zone 1-2-3 Program

Unlike any other diet program, the Zone 1-2-3 Program is truly complete nutrition. Your body will feel the difference as you find it incredibly easier to lose weight compared to the past. It’s not magical; it’s powerful science.

Benefits of the Zone 1-2-3 Program:

The Zone 1-2-3 Program is a proven way to reduce cellular inflammation, the underlying cause of weight gain. Once you reduce cellular inflammation, fat loss becomes much easier. On the Zone 1-2-3 Program you will get the following benefits:
  • Your clothes will fit better as much of your weight loss is excess body fat, not loss of water or muscle
  • You will enjoy improved mental focus and acuity as your blood sugar levels become more stable
  • You will observe a surge in physical energy as you increase the release of stored body fat to be converted into chemical energy
  • You will have an improved ability to handle stress
  • Finally as you continue to reduce excess body fat, you will have decreased blood sugar, blood lipid, and blood pressure levels
 My Review: 

I had the opportunity to try out the Zone 1-2-3 program for the past two weeks.  Having tried other diets after having Savannah, I still couldn't get rid of the last 10-12 lbs of baby weight. Because of this, I was reluctant to try the Zone 1-2-3 diet.  But, what did I have to lose?  

I received the first week's supply of food for the Fast Track Plan, and pleasantly surprised at how fresh it looked.  Now, the difference with this diet plan and others, is that you are given the basic ingredients, like breads, bagels, pasta, orzo, and cookies. Included in the box is a meal planner chart (for both men and women) and a recipe book, that you can use to incorporate the products shipped to you.

I liked this diet plan better than others, as other plans would send me frozen or inedible foods.  And, others would send foods I would not normally eat, making me want to eat something else, or skip the meal altogether -- not good, if you are trying to follow a plan.  

I found the recipes to be extremely simple to make and each of the recipes was something that I could see myself eating.

So, I gave it a shot for the first week, not expecting a change in my weight.  But, by week's end, I had dropped 3 lbs.  Excited, I eagerly awaited my second shipment.

Similar products arrived the following week, with an assortment of bagels, breads, cookies, pretzels, pasta and more.  I followed the same meal plan set forth in the package for the second week.  And, this past Saturday I did my second weigh in and found that I lost another 3 lbs.  I was amazed that in just two short weeks on the Fast Track Zone 1-2-3 diet (and with my continued exercise regime) that I was able to lose the stubborn weight I had been trying to shed for months now.  I still need to lose 4-8 more lbs., but now I am more confident that it will happen.  And, with the recipes I received and guidance through the print materials sent to me and on Dr. Sear's website, I am ready to reach my goal once and for all.

---BUY NOW---

If you are looking to shed that extra baby weight, or just want to try another diet plan, why not check out the Zone 1-2-3 Plan today.  Click here to learn more.  Plans start at $74.50 and can be customized to your weight loss needs.  And, if you sign up for their auto-ship plan, you save $$$.  Another great option is that you can buy the products that you like and know you will eat.  Check out the products available for order now.

About Dr. Sears:

Dr. Barry Sears is the creator of the Zone Diet and the author of The New York Times bestseller, Enter The Zone. He is a leading authority on the dietary control of hormonal response and develops innovative approaches to help treat and reverse silent inflammation, the leading cause behind cardiovascular disease and Type-2 diabetes.

A former research scientist at the Boston University School of Medicine and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dr. Sears has dedicated his research efforts over the past 30 years to the study of lipids. He holds 13 U.S. Patents in the areas of intravenous drug delivery systems
and hormonal regulation for the treatment of cardiovascular disease.

Disclosure:  I was sent a 2-week trial of the Zone Diet in order to write up an honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know that it's easy as 1 2 3. I should definitely try this kind of diet. Thanks for sharing that information. Always support your diet; I suggest you Buy Vega.
