
Monday, February 28, 2011

Maternally Speaking: I Gave Birth to Four Eggs! (One Scrambled, Fried, Over Easy & Sunny Side Up) by Bonnie Lowell Book Review

  • Paperback: 182 pages
  • Publisher: My Life Is An Open Book, Wyatt-MacKenzie Imprint (May 9, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1936214091
  • ISBN-13: 978-1936214099
 Buy now at the author's website or through Amazon.

Click here for an excerpt of Bonnie's book -- get ready to laugh! 


Men are cute and all, but we are the amazing Ovarian Club! This book is a celebration of womanhood and a fun tribute to all mothers who remarkably devote almost every ounce of love and patience to raise our precious offspring, while somehow preserving our sanity! If you need psychological advice about why your child speaks in pig-Latin to their imaginary friend or how to deal with the panic of your seventh-grade bed-wetter heading off to a sleep-over, this book may not help you. If you are expecting to hear about glamorous celebrities whose fortune allows them to hire tutors and housekeepers to ease their overwhelming lifestyle of parties and award ceremonies, this book can't deliver that either. However, if anyone is capable of relating to you, this REAL, well-versed mother of four sure can! If you are or have been a tirelessly enduring stay-at-home mom OR an exhausted working female courageously raising children, even on your own perhaps, then you've earned this amusing, feel good book. This is a well deserved treat for any woman who needs a girl's night of camaraderie and candid humor! Loaded with relatable, comedic and heart-felt stories, told with an Erma Bombeck-esque wit that will make you giggle and laugh. 

Maternally Speaking: I Gave Birth to Four Eggs! (One Scrambled, Fried, Over Easy & Sunny Side Up) is a fun tribute which celebrates the humorous challenges of womanhood and is a deserving pat-on-the-back for mothers who need a "girl's night" of camaraderie and candid humor.  It is loaded with relatable, comedic and estrogen filled, heart-felt stories.  Ideal for a Mother's Day Gift as every day is a Mother's Day!

My Review:

5 stars out of 5

I had the opportunity to interview Bonnie for an upcoming Spotlight on Mommy Feature, which will run in April (check back for this fun interview), as well as read a copy of her book, Maternally SpeakingBoy, did she have me in stitches!  Being a new mom, I could relate to some of the humorous stories she shares about her own "4 eggs." 

I also shared Bonnie's book with my mother, who had "3 eggs" of her own, and she couldn't stop laughing, and said she was shaking her head in agreeance with different personal stories and situations Bonnie spoke of.  This was one of the best books she has read, and was happy to see another mother writing about the joys of motherhood in such a comedic way. 

It was hard to choose a favorite story or part in the book, but being a new mom, I could relate to the "My Bosom Buddies" and "Natural Childbirth" chapters.  I especially liked the personal quotes Bonnie interspersed throughout her book.  Two of my favorite were: "Mothers are in a league of their own.  Our children instinctively cause us to love more deeply than we ever thought possible" and "When you have children, every day is Mother's Day, and by gosh, we deserve to celebrate it more than once a year!"  I will definitely be reading this book over and over again, as I continue my journey of motherhood.  Thanks, Bonnie, to putting into (comedic) words what motherhood is all about.  I can't wait to read additional books you turn out.  If they are anything like Maternally Speaking, they are sure to be a hit.

About the Author:

As a comedienne in the past, I used to give women what they needed the most; Laughter! Life's best medicine!  It gave women a "girl's night" of camaraderie with clean and candid humor.  Due to the challenging logistics of going out to comedy clubs with four kids at home I took to writing and compiled my estrogen-filled observations so I could bring them to my audience, the Ovarian Club, in a new medium.
Giving birth to my new book (minus the nausea and stretch marks) Maternally Speaking: I Gave Birth to Four Eggs! (One Scrambled, Fried, Over Easy & Sunny Side Up) is loaded with relatable, comedic and heart-felt stories that have produced glowing reviews from mothers who are receiving genuine entertainment from it causing giggles, laughs and hilarious tears.
This old woman, who lives in a a REAL, well-versed SAHM: Speaker, Author, Humorist & Mother! I am also a member of the National Writers Union and the National Speaker's Association. As a determined entrepreneur I persevered to achieve my dream of becoming a published author in an arena that is difficult to accomplish as a virtual unknown.  
Hang in there mommies——it’s only 6,570 days (=eighteen years of service!)until the little darlings are grown! Good Luck with that! 

Disclosure:  I was given a copy of this book in order to provide an honest review.  My views/statements are mine and mine alone.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic review and it makes me want to read the whole book now! Bonnie, a dear friend, has been a light in my life for many years. So very wonderful to have her in my life...
    and shedding light on motherhood, life, and humor.
