- Paperback: 130 pages
- Publisher: The People Builders (December 6, 2010)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0982666586
- ISBN-13: 978-0982666586
- Buy now at Amazon
"Meet The People Builders Founder, Bette Laughrun, who says, “A little over ten years ago at age 62 I thought I was dying even though I was perfectly healthy because I was approaching the age of my parents deaths. My symptoms: loss of hope or purpose, no passion toward anything, just existing or marking time until I died.” Many women hit a dead-end, come to the end of something in their lives, or wonder what’s next and experience the same thing today. Bette’s “recovery” and catapult to self discovery was stimulated by a question. “What do you want to be when you grow up?” That journey led her to find there are 7 Questions Every Woman Must Ask to create an outrageous, over-the-top life for herself. Her book, “I Want What She’s Got!” co-authored with her daughter Kathie Nelson is the perfect guide to make you laugh, cry, and inspire you to live fully and design your own outrageous life!"
My Review:
4 stars out of 5
This book is designed to provide inspiration and motivation to adults who are at a crossroads in their life. Mother/daughter team Laughrun and Nelson share their personal stories of struggle and exploration, in order to find their true calling in life and bliss. Throughout the book, the following questions are posed to the reader: What is my purpose in life? Why am I here? What talents can I bring to the party? How can I make a difference in the world? Each of these questions are posed, in order for the reader to examine their lives, so that they can chart their personal course/direction.
One quote that stood out while reading this book was: "I discovered more about myself in the valleys of life than in the peaks. Hardship can be the growing place for our character and help us discover character qualities we didn't know we had (p. 72)." I can relate to this statement, as a cancer survivor. After my diagnosis and treatment, I reevaluated my life and what I wanted out of it. Instead of dwelling on petty hangups, I began to plot my new course, in order to live a more happy and fulfilling life. I plan to take some of the helpful hints I learned in this book, to continue to grow and strengthen my personal bliss.
This is a great read if you are looking to take charge of your life and live life to its fullest. Even though is it short and to the point, this book poses important questions that many of us are afraid to answer. But, by sharing their own stories of difficulty and how they overcame them, Laughrun and Nelson provide creditability to the helpful hints they offer, in order for each of us to create our own "Outrageous Life."
If you like faith-based books, then I would highly suggest picking up and reading this book. But, if you prefer more self-help motivational book that doesn't include spirituality and scripture, then this book isn't for you.
About the Author:
Bette James Laughrun makes the most of every day - at 73, she is having the time of her life and doesn't want to miss a single moment! Bette is the founder of THE PEOPLE BUILDERS, a leadership development group, and she educates faith communities and organizations how to live healthy lives of contribution, meaning and purpose. She also manages a successful nutritional cleansing business.
Disclosure: I was given a copy of this book by The Cadence Group in order to provide an honest review. My views/comments stated above are mine and mine alone, and were not influenced by the authors or publisher.
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