- Price: $13.99
- Format: Trade Paperback
- Other Formats: eBook
- Published Date: July 20, 2010
- ISBN: 9781601422804
- Categories: Religion - Inspirational
Check Out the First Chapter for Yourself - Click here.
An unwanted dog and the woman she rescued.
An inspiring true story told through the engaging voice of Kim Meeder, Blind Hope reveals poignant life lessons Laurie learned from her ailing, yet courageous canine friend. Reaching out to save a dog in need, Laurie, a Crystal Peaks staff member, soon realized that the dog was saving her.
Despite the blindness of her dog, and her own heart, Laurie uncovered what she really needed most: authentic love, unconditional trust, and true acceptance — faults and all.
Laurie and her dog, Mia, both learned to follow the lead of a master they couldn’t see. In the process, Laurie discovered the transforming power of God’s selfless love even for imperfect and selfish people — and she experienced a greater love than she has ever known.
Source: This summary was taken from the Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch website.
My Review:
4 Stars out of 5
Having 3 rescues dogs myself and a love for animals, I was eager to read this book. I had read reviews about this book, and had to read it for myself. Blind Hope was a quick read, as I was able to read it over the weekend. I found the story to be very enjoyable, and at times it brought tears to my eyes. Kim did an amazing job at sharing Laurie's story of adopting a dog named Mia. Each chapter of the book discussed the feelings and emotions experienced by Laurie during her journey with her new love, Mia. Having 2 rescue dogs with major health conditions (Manny has severe allergies and skin dermatitis and is on daily steroids, and Abby began having seizures 2 years ago at the age of 2, and have 1-2 episodes a month), I felt for Laurie in that her dog Mia also had major health issues, including diabetes and blindness.
Through Kim's book, we the reader, are able to see Laurie for who she really is. She is not perfect and has many flaw and imperfections, But, with the help of Mia, she learns to love and appreciate life to the fullest.
If you are looking for a heartfelt and inspirational book, this is a must read. Even if you are not a dog lover or religious, you will find inspiration in this telling story.
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