Monday, January 9, 2012

Author Interview and Giveaway -- Thomas Bähler, Author of ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE: A Tale of Aesop

CLOSED.  Congrats to Mercedes!!!!


Click here to read an excerpt from the book.

Last week I shared with you all the press release on Thomas Bähler's new novel, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE: A Tale of Aesop.  Click here if you missed my post.  Since then, I had the opportunity to interview the author to learn more about his debut novel, as well as find out more about Thomas as an author.  Don't forget to enter my giveaway, for your chance to win a copy of Thomas' new book. Details are below the interview.

Please enjoy my interview with Thomas Bähler,  Author of ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE: A Tale of Aesop:

Tell me about your book. How did you come up with that (story, angle, idea)?
It began when I came across a new edition of ÆSOP's Fables that had an interesting preface that read: "Although ÆSOP was born a slave in 620 BC, with no access to wealth or influence, later in his life, he served as Ambassador to the wealthiest and most powerful king on earth, King Crœsus of Lydia."  I asked myself the question, “How did he do that?” And at that moment, I experienced a surge of powerful energy that felt similar to a chill, but it was not cold. From that moment, I thought about ÆSOP every day, wondering how he had accomplished such a feat. My story was set into motion at that moment.

How did you get interested in writing this particular genre?
The genre and time period were dictated by ÆSOP and the story that began to emerge as I considered what life might have been like for him.
Do you have any favorite authors or favorite books?
There is one author in particular, who has had a tremendous influence on me. Paulo Coelho. I have read every one of his books at least once and feel quite akin to him in regard to philosophy, humanity and the fact that we both share a career in the music industry.
What's a typical working day like for you? When and where do you write? Do you set a daily writing goal?
I have been creating all of my life, well…since I was six or so…I trust my instincts and am both driven by them in terms of when and how I create. For me, it began with writing music, for it was all around me, my dad, who was part of the music industry, my mom who sang in a gospel choir…so much music…it was a natural extension of who I was…authentic…and we all know that what we give our attention to flourishes…later on, expressing myself in words in the long form was simply an extension of writing lyrics…for me, each song is a one act play…so I live in my creative house…I write music in one room and words in another…and in all of it, I tell a story. Wait a minute! Didn't we all do this as children?

What is the hardest part of writing for you?
For me there is no hard part. Here is, perhaps, the reason why. I mentioned before that I have been creating since I was a young boy. I believe that we, as children, are all creative until we somehow fall victim to the outside world being judgmental which can and often does stifles our creativity. Why was I able to carry on? It started this way. I had asked my father a question. Dad was a Julliard trained and wonderfully talented trumpet player who played in the Hollywood studios for film. When I asked him, at around age six, "How you create?" He answered, "I'll tell you how I do it. I declare what I want and let it go." He then explained to my naive six year old self, that when we declare what we want, we set the universe in motion and it will deliver what we ask for, however, "we must be vigilant, for it will most likely come to us in a manner we do not immediately recognize, otherwise it would not be new." So, for me, the biggest part of creating is not thinking, but rather listening. Listening is not hard; however, it does take patience.

What’s the best thing about being an author?
By creating and sharing stories that my readers find enjoyable and often illuminating, for they are about the human condition.  

What are you working on now?
I am presently writing the second in the series of novels about the life and times of ÆSOP. The new story is finished and soon will take the shape of a novel. The story is still in the crock pot of my being, marinating and gathering flavor as the ingredients of the story get to know each other.
What advice would you give aspiring writers?
Be authentic - you are already unique. For instance, there have been approximately 70 billion people born on this planet since humans made and entrance and no two of them were or are alike. So, if you are authentic to yourself and have the courage to be yourself, you will have no competition…as Oscar Wilde said, "Be yourself, everyone else is taken".
What question have you always wanted to be asked in an interview? How would you answer that question?
"Do you love what you do. . .and why?"  Yes, I love what I do. Why? Because it reminds me that I am fully alive and in touch with the same energy that informed ÆSOP, Shakespeare, Mozart and Picasso and the best part of that a is?  I believe it is available to all of us.


In addition to letting me interview him during his busy schedule, Thomas Bähler has graciously offered one (1) lucky Inspired by Savannah reader a chance to win a copy of his book, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE: A Tale of Aesop.  To enter, please leave a comment below letting me know why you want to win this giveaway. The giveaway will end on January 23rd at 11:59 PM EST.  I will then draw a winner using, and they will have 48 hours to respond back with their complete mailing address.  This giveaway is only open to US residents (No PO Boxes).  


  1. I love to read and this would be something different from my usual types of books. Thanks for the chance to win!


    mlynnh5 at gmail dot com

  2. I love reading and am always looking for new books to read! I love Aesop's Fables and would love to read more!

    amdierm at gm ail d ot co m

  3. I like how a person can turn Aesop's Fables into teachable moments. I would love to win!
    tarter95 at hotmail dot com

  4. This would be a different read for me. I like trying new things.
    pamelajmcbride at yahoo dot com

  5. Sounds like a feel-good read! Thanks!

  6. This looks like a very interesting read - unusual thanks for the chance
    robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com

  7. I'd like to read his book. :D

  8. Sounds great! I have always loved the fables and so I'd love more context. Fingers crossed!

  9. I would love to have this book to read with my daughter! I'm trying to build a collection of books that we can read together and this would be perfect!

  10. I would love to win b/c i love to read

    wendywynsma at gmail dot com

  11. this would be great to share with the kids or give to a child in the hospital
    kendraco22 at yahoo dot com

  12. I would love to win this because I have been on a reading "binge" lately, and can't seem to get enough of new books! Also, in the store that I work at, we have a quote from Aesop printed on one of the cloth bags that we sell..just a few days ago, a middle-aged customer asked me "what is Aesop?" and I couldn't believe she hadn't heard of him! She scrunched up her nose when I explained and didn't buy the bag. I thought this was odd that I stumbled upon this giveaway so soon after! :)

  13. I like to read a variety of books and this one seems very interesting.

  14. I love to read a large variety of books and this one looks like one I would enjoy

  15. I would love to win this for my brother, who has been having a tough time with life lately!

  16. I would love this book, so that I can share with my granddaughters, and help them develop their own love of reading.

  17. I love to read and think this might be a good book to read & share!
    jshallow01 @

  18. I would love to win this book for my niece and nephew whose parents - my sister and brother-in-law - are having extreme health problems right now. They do not understand what is happening to their parents and just need to know that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE for them to accomplish.

    Thank you,

    Christine W

  19. I would love to win this because I need some encouraging words right now and this sounds like it would do that

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com

  20. I would love to win because I'm a writer and I devour every book that I come across. Reading and writing is air to me. :)

  21. love all genres and would love to read this book

  22. I love to read and could possibly share this with my future class someday

  23. It sounds interesting.
